New member- TRT and pain

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Hi everybody, I'm Chris. 47 years old and am realizing I have all the symptoms of low testosterone. Will be going to a doctor soon to get blood work. I've been reading a lot, but have just discovered this forum - lots more to read here. Looking forward to learning and will be asking lots of questions.
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Chris, thanks for joining!! Glad you're with us. Feel free to ask questions, we are here to help. Look forward to hearing about your progress!!
Thanks guys. I am searching through the forums, trying to get information so I don't ask questions that have already been asked.

I am most interested in the potential benefits of hrt for low back pain, which I have had for years and has really gotten worse over the last year or two.
Thanks guys. I am searching through the forums, trying to get information so I don't ask questions that have already been asked.

I am most interested in the potential benefits of hrt for low back pain, which I have had for years and has really gotten worse over the last year or two.

Are you consulting a doctor who understands androgen replacement? A man or woman you have confidence in?
I am looking for a doctor in the Houston area now. Unfortunately dr Lipshultz is not on my insurance.

I don't know what your financial situation is, but I know that finding a doctor who truly understands androgen replacement, diagnosis and how to design a protocol, is the single most important factor in a patient's success with TRT.
What kind of low back pain? One side? Both sides? Any indications of pain or numbness going down one leg? Numbness in the toes or feet? Weight issues? Bulging disk?
Thanks guys. I am searching through the forums, trying to get information so I don't ask questions that have already been asked.

I am most interested in the potential benefits of hrt for low back pain, which I have had for years and has really gotten worse over the last year or two.
Do you do any physical therapy for your back pain?
What kind of low back pain? One side? Both sides? Any indications of pain or numbness going down one leg? Numbness in the toes or feet? Weight issues? Bulging disk?

Pain is in the middle of lower back. No numbness or shooting pains. I've had several MRI's and they have all shown mild bulges, slight narrowing, etc which all doctors have said is normal for someone my age. i think the pain is muscular - it gets better with stretching and exercise, but it feels like I am lacking strength.
Have you considered a group like PrimeBody for your TRT??
I was a patient of Lipshutlz for awhile but now am with PrimeBody.....

Yes, but I would prefer to go to a doctor who is covered by my insurance. Do you have any experience with any other doctors in the Houston area? I am in Katy.
Thanks, I'll add these to my routine and see if they help. I already do the first exercise multiple times throughout the day. It is the first thing I do when my back starts to hurt and it always helps.
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