Im new to this board and to TRT, and having some issues i hope you can help me with.
I have been really tired and feeling fatigued since starting TRT, maybe even more than i did prior to it. The strange thing is that on two or three different occasions I've been taking cialis, and i notice that the following 2-3 days I'm feeling great. Lots of energy, great mood, everything is looking bright until the next time i pin, then i start feeling tired again. Also i feel better 2-3 days after i pin than i do the same and the next day. I dont know if this makes any sence or if anyone experience the same?
My protocol is 62,5mg test e, sub q every 3,5 days, and i've been on it for 5 weeks. Not using any AI as i still haven't had any labs. (will be doing that after beeing on it for a total of 6 weeks)
Im new to this board and to TRT, and having some issues i hope you can help me with.
I have been really tired and feeling fatigued since starting TRT, maybe even more than i did prior to it. The strange thing is that on two or three different occasions I've been taking cialis, and i notice that the following 2-3 days I'm feeling great. Lots of energy, great mood, everything is looking bright until the next time i pin, then i start feeling tired again. Also i feel better 2-3 days after i pin than i do the same and the next day. I dont know if this makes any sence or if anyone experience the same?
My protocol is 62,5mg test e, sub q every 3,5 days, and i've been on it for 5 weeks. Not using any AI as i still haven't had any labs. (will be doing that after beeing on it for a total of 6 weeks)