As evidenced by my posts over the past several months - I simply can’t get my e2 dialed in. I’ve tried nearly everything; split dose, sub q, compounded Anastrozole, etc. I’m currently at 140mg Cypionate split between 2 doses, and this puts me in the 1200-1500 total / 3.4 - 3.0 free range. My numbers are a little high, but so is my SHBG. As a last resort, I have lowered my dose to .25ml every 72 hours. This puts me at ~ 115mg weekly. At first blush it doesn’t look like a significant adjustment, but it’s about 8%. To my questions: how long will I feel crummy, how long to stabilize, should I still split dose or just do 120 weekly, do you think the sides will go away at the new dose, and most importantly - I have a job interview next Friday, how will the dose mod effect my performance?