Got labs results...
protocol: HCG (Ovitrelle) 520 IU M-W-F (two weeks before, I was taking proviron and tamoxifen)
Total Testosterone: 584 ng/dl
Free Testosterone: 13,00 pg/ml (5.60 - 27)
DHT: 0,48 ng/ml (0,143 - 0,842)
E2 37 pg/ml (not sensitive, but since it over-estimate E2, actual E2 could be lower than 37 pg/ml)
LH - 0,10 mIU/ml (0.4 - 82)
FSH : 0,15 mIU/ml (1.30 - 138)
SHBG: 22,9 nmol/L (13,5 - 71,4)
Cholesterol: 166 mg/dl (<200)
HDL: 45 mg/dl (>40)
LDL: 96 mg/dl (< 150)
TG: 125 (40 - 150)
HB - 16,4 g/dl
Hcto: 49,1%
Even having had lower T levels and higher E2, with exogenous testosterone I used to have much stronger libido and I need much less or no cialis or viagra.
There must be something else with HCG, other than just testosterone and E2 levels which interferes with libido and erectile function. Otherwise HCG would be more successful as monotherapy, but it isn't. Few people can stick on it...
On the other hand, apart from the low libido and poor erectil funtion on HCG, I feel mentally and physically very well with HCG.
Now I doubled HCG (Ovitrelle) dose to 1040 IU M-W-F. I'll stay free of everything else, especially anastrozole or any other kind of E2 control. Only will be using Sildenafilo as when needed (not even daily cialis), and I will have lab test again in one month and see how it is by then..