So great to find you guys all the information has been really helpful so far! Wish I had known about this website couple months ago. My Dr. has been trying to get me to go on testosterone replacement for three years now! I have tested below 400 numerous times and she explain to me how much better would make me feel. I was worried about having to use needles I Just ignored her. I went back to her about a month and a half ago and she started me on hundred and 150 mg of Cyp a week to be tested in four weeks. I know that's a large dose to start someone on but I'm 6'4" inches tall into the 295 pounds about 20% body fat! (played football in the SEC) seemed right to me. So I had to genius plan of going in for my blood test after having eaten junk food for a few days, having very little sleep, and watch the first season of Glee (jk) so my testosterone levels would come in really low! It came back at 295. So I essentially convinced her to give me about 200 mg every four days. After reading all the information on here I Understand how stupid that is. So needless to say my estrogen got all out of whack. Gained a ton of water weight the first few weeks higher blood pressure and headaches and then last week nipple sensitivity! Which scares me. So I cut my doses back to 80 mg every three days and started taking 1 mg. of anastrozole a day and have been for the last 5 days as I have read on here that you do until the symptoms died down. But I'm still having nipple sensitivity. A lot of the water weight seems to have gone and blood pressure is back to normal. So I'm not sure exactly what to do I know this is a strong drug and I don't want to cause myself more harm. I know You have to be careful on specific advice on here but any thoughts would be very helpful. Also I have set up an appointment with Dr. Saya in a few weeks. I'm really thankful I found this website.