High Estrogen

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My blood test shows high testosterone but also a cancelling high level of estrogen.
Can you suggest something I could use to moderate / reduce my high level of estrogen?
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Vince symptoms of low libido and sometimes dark moods,

Bloods below
The results of your test:
Testosterone----120 nmol/L [normal range 9 - 30]
Oestradiol---------543 pmol/L [normal range 40-160]
SHBG---------------17 nmol/L [normal range 18-50]
Free Androgen index---706

To convert from pmol/L to our US units of pg/mL you divide the former by 3.676

So, his estradiol (which I bet was measured using the regular test) is 147.7 pg/mL

His testosterone is 120 nmol/L which is 1154 ng/dL

That is a really excessive estradiol.

ThomasW, do you have high fat content or liver issues? Consuming soy-based products? Taking medications that may increase estradiol?

Starting with .25 mg twice per week of anastrozole would be a good dose. Retest 4 weeks later to see if the dose should be increased or decreased.
Thanks Nelson no body fat is 18%. Weight 190 Kilos, No liver issues and no soy based products,
I think my test is too high and the estrogen has risen along with it,

Is a prescription required for Anaztrozole,

Thank you so much for the quick reply,
Nelson thank you for your advice.
Life has changed dramatically since taking .25mg of arimedex.

Life back to normal.

Many thanks
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Yes its pretty dramatic the speed at which it worked for me.
Will do 8 weeks then get bloods checked to ensure its coming down to normal.

Great product for treating high Estrogen.

Good luck.
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