New Member
Hello All,
I have been doing a lot of reading and decided to introduce myself and my recent BW. I am 37 years of age working out since my teens. Otherwise healthy play squash etc or so I thought.
The reson I ventured into looking at TRT is because my injuries are taking longer to recover, I hurt easily, my libido and sex drive is low, urge to workout is declining and just feel low energy or lazy over all and recently my appetite has hit rock bottom
Below BW i took in 2014
Total T: 338.5 ng/dl ref 260 - 1000
11.75 nmol/L
Prolactin 13.8 ng/ml ref 4 - 15.2
Estradiol 50 pmol/L ref 40 -162
I was then advised to do a full BW and I did as of this week Feb 2015
Hematocrit 52.1 HIGH 37.5-51.0 %
RDW 12.0 LOW 12.3-15.4 %
Testosterone 310 LOW 348-1197 ng/dL
Free Testosterone 7.0 LOW 8.7-25.1 pg/mL
Dihydrotestosterone 30 ng/dL
Estradiol, Sensitive 5 3-70 pg/mL
DHEA 242.3 102.6-416.3 ug/dL
TSH 2.210 0.450-4.500 uIU/mL
LH 4.6 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH 2.1 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Prolactin 10.8 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
PSA 0.6 0.0-4.0 ng/mL
What do I make of the numbers above. I know my Test is low and so is free test but if any one can chime on LH, FSH etc
Attached is the full report for anyone kind enough to see and advise.
I was looking at 25mg to 50mg of Prop EOD OR 40mg to 50mg of testE E3D to be around the 800-900 range of total test and hopefully 300 range for free test.
I have been doing a lot of reading and decided to introduce myself and my recent BW. I am 37 years of age working out since my teens. Otherwise healthy play squash etc or so I thought.
The reson I ventured into looking at TRT is because my injuries are taking longer to recover, I hurt easily, my libido and sex drive is low, urge to workout is declining and just feel low energy or lazy over all and recently my appetite has hit rock bottom
Below BW i took in 2014
Total T: 338.5 ng/dl ref 260 - 1000
11.75 nmol/L
Prolactin 13.8 ng/ml ref 4 - 15.2
Estradiol 50 pmol/L ref 40 -162
I was then advised to do a full BW and I did as of this week Feb 2015
Hematocrit 52.1 HIGH 37.5-51.0 %
RDW 12.0 LOW 12.3-15.4 %
Testosterone 310 LOW 348-1197 ng/dL
Free Testosterone 7.0 LOW 8.7-25.1 pg/mL
Dihydrotestosterone 30 ng/dL
Estradiol, Sensitive 5 3-70 pg/mL
DHEA 242.3 102.6-416.3 ug/dL
TSH 2.210 0.450-4.500 uIU/mL
LH 4.6 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL
FSH 2.1 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL
Prolactin 10.8 4.0-15.2 ng/mL
PSA 0.6 0.0-4.0 ng/mL
What do I make of the numbers above. I know my Test is low and so is free test but if any one can chime on LH, FSH etc
Attached is the full report for anyone kind enough to see and advise.
I was looking at 25mg to 50mg of Prop EOD OR 40mg to 50mg of testE E3D to be around the 800-900 range of total test and hopefully 300 range for free test.