Has anyone tried trestolone acetate? About to start my experiment

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Anyone know much about trestolone acetate in grapeseed oil?

Would running 50 mg eod givev similar results as running 100 mg per wk testosterone cypionwtr. Cypionate

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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Sorry for taking a while to reply. We are getting bombarded lately!

I have never tried it since it is not available in the US or Mexico. It has been researched in the past 15 years as a male contraceptive.

Here is a good summary:

7 -methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) (Also known as trestolone acetate). This compound is about 10 times more potent than T in terms of anabolic activities and gonadotropin suppression, is not bound by SHBG in circulation, is not a substrate for 5 -reductase, and has a relatively low potency for stimulation of prostate growth: approximately four times less than that of T.[SUP]94, 95[/SUP]MENT is aromatizable to 7 -methyl estradiol, which may confer beneficial tissue effects via the estrogen receptor.

In a randomized crossover trial involving hypogonadal men from two disparate societies (Edinburgh and Hong Kong), patients were allocated to treatment with two MENT acetate 115 mg upper-arm implants for 6 weeks and two i.m. injections of TE 200 mg at 3-week intervals. Compared with a 6-week androgen washout period, both MENT and i.m. TE significantly enhanced sexual function, with no between-group differences.[SUP]94
Although the physiologic benefits of TRT on erectile function as assessed objectively by RigiScan[SUP]®[/SUP] (Timm Medical Systems, Eden Prairie, MN, USA) were significant across treatment centers,[SUP]94[/SUP] other sexual effects were less robust. Both MENT and i.m. TE significantly enhanced self-rated interest in sex, masturbation, sexual intercourse, and overall sexual activity in Scottish, but not Chinese, men. These findings reflect the cultural context and specificity of certain sexual outcome measures.

Similar trends were observed with regard to TRT effects on mood: significant increases in self-reported cheerfulness and energy level, coupled with significant decreases in lethargy, depression, and irritability in Scottish, but not Chinese, patients. Improvements in mood represent among the least robust outcomes of TRT and may reflect other, more stable physiologic improvements. Some clinical trials have demonstrated clinical benefits on mood with TRT,[SUP]40, 54, 96,97[/SUP] whereas others have not.[SUP]53, 56

Source: [/SUP]http://www.nature.com/ijir/journal/v19/n1/full/3901366a.html
Thanks Nelson.
My trt md hasn't refilled my tcyp rx.
Tres acetate is all that is available to me.

Should I use the same weekly dose of it as compared to tcyp?


This study done in mice determined that trestolone acetate can be effective at a third of the dose of testosterone: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8724182

Dr Bhasin's book says that 500 micrograms per day may be needed. Multiply that by 7 and it means 35 mg per week. books.google.com/books?isbn=0471133205

I would start with 50 mg per week and retest your total and free testosterone blood levels right before the 5th injection. Let us know!
*hypothetically speaking*

Prior trt prptocol

100 mg testosterone cypionate im wkly
500 iu hcg 2 days prior to and 500 iu 1 day prior to tcyp injection
.5 mg anastrozole prr wk day aftrr injection / tcyp


Began 25 mg trestolone acetate m/ w/ f (6/16/2014)

1st inj.....no pip with this particular brand. Slight blood pressure rise an hour after injection.

2 nd inj.........slight b.p. rise
Felt an increase in energy and aggression. Mild but noticable.

I will update as effects are noticed and as program advances.

25 mg trest m/w/f
500 iu hcg on sat. And sun.
.5 mg anastrozole monday night
3rd inj friday
Mild bp rise

Thursday noticed increased libido and aggression. Aggression was easy to control but let the libido flow. Increased sense of well being.

Response to tresetolone trestolone similar to testosterone but stronger.

Increased vascularity after friday workout. To this point no water or weight gain.

Thanks for the update. It almost sounds like the effect I get with testosterone propionate.

Is it a suspension or an easy injection? I hate the pain that propionate causes. I also do not enjoy the sudden blood pressure increase.

Too bad trestolone is not available in the United States. It sounds like an interesting androgen to me.
I am familiar with propionate and you are correct. It does have an increased aggressive kick that prop did not have for me.

From my internet research dosages at or below 50 mg 3 times per week should not cause water retention or aromatization.

It is an oil based solution. No inj. Pain so far. Doing im with insulin syringe.
1st inj was with 1 in 23 g in delt and no pip.
So the trestone acetate seems to be working like test prop.

I feel a little increase in libido and well being with the trestolone but this is probably due to the trest dose (30 mg 3 x wk) being stronger than the dose of testosterone cyp previously used (100 mg per wk)

I have lesz water retention and increased libido with these doses of trestolone.

My opinion is that if you cannot use testosterone cyp or e, then trestolone acetate is an equal substitute in the tge above noted dose, etc.

This is not medical or or proifessional professional advice.

I may have labs to post in a few weeks.
Blood work is back and my trestolone experience is done. Have a new trt doc and Tcyp again.

Blood was drawn on monday morning. Last trest inj of 25 mg was taken on prev. Friday. 500 iu of hcg on Sat. and Sunday.

Total test. 1039 (348-1197)
E2 (non sensitive) 39.4 (7.6 - 42)

Hgb and hamatocrit hematocrit were high

hct 56

Overall I liked trestolone acetate.

It did shut me down harder thsn tcyp
It caused greater incresses in libido, appetite and blood pressure and hct/hgb.

It caused less water retention and increased energy levels and aggression.

If you only have trestolone instead of testosterone cypionate I think you will be pleased with the results.

Between the two I prefer Tcyp rx but trestolone acetate should work well.

I only did trestolone for a few mths due to no rx for T cyp at the time.

If you cannot get rx for Testosterone cypionate I think a reasonable dose of trestolone would be a good substitute.

Review the previous posts in this thread for more detailed info.
jger242, thats awesome and thank you very much for posting these results they are very interesting.

Can somebody more informed than me please explain how Trestolone can raise testosterone levels like it did on jgrer242's blood results?

From my understanding this compound is not actual testosterone, so how does it raise it like the regular TRT Testosterone compounds like Test Cypionate do?

I ask because I am thinking about using Trestolone for TRT instead of regular forms of testosterone.

Thanks for the help, and you guys have a very informative and helpful forum!

This compound is puzzling to me (I would really love to try it!). Yes, it shuts down LH, FSH and T but it provides the same sexual, mood and energy benefits as T.

7α-Methyl-19-Nortestosterone Maintains Sexual Behavior and Mood in Hypogonadal Men -

See more at: http://press.endocrine.org.ezproxyh.../10.1210/jcem.84.10.6028#sthash.ZsjugTPp.dpuf


The synthetic steroid 7α-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a potent androgen that is resistant to 5α-reductase. It thus has decreased activity at the prostate and may have advantages over testosterone-based regimens in long term treatment or as part of a male contraceptive. Administration to eugonadal men results in suppression of gonadotropins, but its ability to support androgen-dependent behavior has not been investigated. For sustained release administration, MENT acetate was used, because its diffusion characteristics were more suitable for use in implants. However, upon release the acetate is rapidly hydrolyzed, and MENT is the biologically active moiety in circulation. We studied the effects of MENT on sexual interest and activity, spontaneous erection, and mood states in comparison with testosterone enanthate (TE) in 20 Caucasian and Chinese hypogonadal men recruited in Edinburgh and Hong Kong (n = 10 in each center). Outcomes were measured using a combination of daily diaries, semistructured interviews, and questionnaires. Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) was also recorded in the Edinburgh group. After withdrawal of androgen replacement treatment (wash-out phase) for a minimum of 6 weeks, subjects were randomized to two groups in a cross-over design. Drug treatment regimens were of 6-week duration and consisted of two implants, each containing 115 mg MENT acetate, inserted sc into the upper arm and removed after 6 weeks and two injections of TE (200 mg, im) 3 weeks apart. MENT treatment resulted in stable plasma MENT concentrations of 1.4 ± 0.1 nmol/L after 3 weeks and 1.3 ± 0.1 nmol/L after 6 weeks (mean ± sem; all men). Nadir testosterone concentrations were 3.6 ± 0.6 nmol/L at the end of the wash-out phase and 9.4 ± 0.6 nmol/L 3 weeks after each injection. There were no differences in hormone concentrations between centers. There were no adverse toxicological effects.
There were only minor differences between the two treatments. Both MENT and TE treatment resulted in significant increases in sexual interest and activity, spontaneous erection (both by self-report and NPT measurement), and increases in positive moods, with decreases in negative moods in the Edinburgh group. In the Hong Kong group, both treatments increased waking erection, with a trend toward increased sexual interest and activity. Mood states appeared to be less affected during the wash-out phase than in Edinburgh men and showed no significant response to either treatment. These results demonstrate that MENT has similar effects on sexual activity and mood states as testosterone in hypogonadal men. As NPT is a physiological androgen-dependant outcome, these data provide further evidence for the androgenicity of MENT. The lack of detected effect of either androgen in Hong Kong men other than on waking erection illustrates the importance of the cultural context of symptomatology and its measurement. The appropriate dose of MENT remains to be determined, but these results support its development as a potential androgen replacement therapy.

ANDROGEN therapy is predominantly used for replacement in primary hypogonadism. Other potential indications include the treatment of secondary hypogonadism, particularly that associated with aging, and as a hormonal male contraceptive that will involve long term treatment of large numbers of healthy men (1). Recent developments in androgen administration (2, 3, 4, 5) have addressed some of the problems with previous preparations, but are all based on treatment with testosterone. The use of synthetic androgens allows the possibility of more specific effects tailored to particular indications. 7α-Methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT) is a synthetic androgen that is approximately 10 times more potent than testosterone in anabolic bioassays and as a suppressor of gonadotropin secretion, but it is resistant to 5α-reduction. It therefore has relatively low potency in bioassays in which the testosterone-amplifying activity of 5α-reductase is important, such as stimulation of prostate size in castrate animals (6, 7, 8). This may be an advantage in long term treatment (9). Human data on the androgenic effects of MENT are, however, currently limited to the demonstration of the ability of repeated injections to suppress gonadotropin secretion in normal men (10) and early studies of masculinizing effects in female breast cancer patients (11).
MENT is not bound by sex hormone-binding globulin and is cleared rapidly from the circulation (12). MENT acetate (MENT Ac) can, however, be prepared in the form of implants for subdermal insertion, thus giving the potential for long term replacement therapy or treatment. Although MENT has been demonstrated to restore sexual behavior in castrate male mice (13), there are no data on the ability of this steroid to provide androgen replacement in men. This study was therefore performed to assess the effects of MENT Ac-containing implants on sexual function and mood in hypogonadal men.

- See more at: http://press.endocrine.org.ezproxyh.../10.1210/jcem.84.10.6028#sthash.ZsjugTPp.dpuf
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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Hi Nelson!

Thank you for posting this I really appreciate it, very interesting stuff!

Looks like Trestolone is at least equal to Testosterone in terms of the benefits it gives. I have read on the forums it even surpasses Testosterone for libido, energy, fat loss, muscle gain, vascularity,ect. I think I am going to try some soon, and I will report back :) I have tried in the past for TRT Sustanon, Prop, Test E/C, and Suspension, so I can give a comparison.

I have a question though, which I am still a bit confused,

jger242's blood work on 25mg MENT 3 times per week, 500IU HCG twice per week, and 0.5 Arimidex once per week showed Testosterone levels at

Total test. 1039 (348-1197)

Since MENT suppresses natural Testosterone production, does this mean jger242's Testosterone was at a level of 1039 due to using the HCG? Because I would have thought if the MENT was suppressing his own endogenous Testosterone production, then his numbers would have come back a lot lower than 1039? With those numbers I would have thought he was taking 100-150mg of actual Testosterone per week. Did the HCG at 1000IU per week he was taking raise his natural T levels to high normal whilst still being suppressed by MENT?

Any thoughts?

Thanks again for all the hard work you do to make this forum an invaluable resource of knowledge and help for people like me in this very important area of health and life improving!

Happy Holidays!
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