Doc prescribed Test Cyp and nothing else

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So im 31 and I went to my doc with alot of symptoms and she did a blood test and just tested for test level (total test 203.0) and referred me to someone who would treat it and he prescribed Test Cypionate at 200mg/every other week and nothing else for 3 months. I dont think I've seen anyone on here that was told to just take Test alone. He doesn't seem like he would take me self advocating very well either as he said we dont know much about test treatment...people will say they do but really they dont........i dont know what to do as I dont want symptoms to get worse. Any advice?


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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Testosterone cypionate alone is actually the best protocol to start with. If you add too many variables in the beginning, it's hard to get dialed in because you are trying to figure out what's out of wack for a while. I am on just test cypionate, 130 mg per week. No issues and numbers are great after two years. Your doctor should start you on 100 mg weekly and do bloodwork after a month. Bi-weekly is too long in between. Starting with an AI and HCG right off can confuse things and can be added as needed.

I know guys are going to say this protocol is too simple, but it makes sense. I am with Abraham Morgantaler's clinic in Boston and this is the protocol there. They believe in keep it simple and adjust if needed, but not before. Biggest problem with your protocol is it should start 100 weekly.
You are 31 years old. Do you understand that TRT can make your infertile right? At your age you should at least add HCG to your protocol in an effort to prevent that (in case you care for fertility - at your age i would assume you do). A lot of times HCG is not enough to keep fertility and HMG/FSH is needed (expensive stuff). On the bright side if/when you stop TRT you should be able to get fertile again but it is not guaranteed and might take time.
So im 31 and I went to my doc with alot of symptoms and she did a blood test and just tested for test level (total test 203.0) and referred me to someone who would treat it and he prescribed Test Cypionate at 200mg/every other week and nothing else for 3 months. I dont think I've seen anyone on here that was told to just take Test alone. He doesn't seem like he would take me self advocating very well either as he said we dont know much about test treatment...people will say they do but really they dont........i dont know what to do as I dont want symptoms to get worse. Any advice?

That's probably the most glaring medical problem here...induced organ failure thru no use of HCG. Fertility aside no HCG is a problem. I think it should be included and judge it from there how you feel and how to adjust the dosing and frequency of it. But then 200 every two weeks is archaic means as we know it. As stated above 100mg/once per week should be the bare minimum to start with. No apparent LH/FSH testing says something, too, how does the Dr diagnosis primary or secondary hypogonadal without those...too many problems here to say that this is a good thing for you.
I hate to say this, I would consider finding a better doctor. Before I started TRT. I read 5 books on the subject, visited 3 endicrunolgist and 3 clinics. Don't rush into TRT it's a lifelong commitment.
The Every Other Week is proven to be a failure. Once a week would really only be a starting point with very high SHBG ....
A start would be twice a week or M/W/F
testosterone alone is a tried and true therapy that has worked just fine for decades. the addition of hcg is debatable. AI's as far as im concerned are poison and not good for the body, having no place in trt. 200 mg every 2 weeks can work for some people, its not necessarily always a broken protocol. But a lot of men will fall too low those final days before the next inject. Thats why its advised to just go to 100 mg once per week. You dont even need to tell your doctor, just do 0.5ml once per week instead of 1ml biweekly.
testosterone alone is a tried and true therapy that has worked just fine for decades. the addition of hcg is debatable. AI's as far as im concerned are poison and not good for the body, having no place in trt. 200 mg every 2 weeks can work for some people, its not necessarily always a broken protocol. But a lot of men will fall too low those final days before the next inject. Thats why its advised to just go to 100 mg once per week. You dont even need to tell your doctor, just do 0.5ml once per week instead of 1ml biweekly.
I'm glad you qualified your comments regarding ai's so the OP understands that is your opinion and not based on science! When necessary to control estrogen and when used properly, AI's are most certainly NOT poison.
induced organ failure thru no use of HCG

I've never read or seen any evidence about organ failure due to lack of HCG before. I started HCG after 6 years on TRT and it helped me immensely but there was no evidence of organ failure. Unless you are exaggerating? :rolleyes:
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So im 31 and I went to my doc with alot of symptoms and she did a blood test and just tested for test level (total test 203.0) and referred me to someone who would treat it and he prescribed Test Cypionate at 200mg/every other week and nothing else for 3 months. I dont think I've seen anyone on here that was told to just take Test alone. He doesn't seem like he would take me self advocating very well either as he said we dont know much about test treatment...people will say they do but really they dont........i dont know what to do as I dont want symptoms to get worse. Any advice?

The lack of HCG is the least of your problems with this therapy approach as it stands. It's just terrible. What is the goal of the therapy? Are you on TRT or not? What is the purpose of nothing for 3 months? Dose schedule, bad. etc etc. You need to pin down what the goal is here. If it's to some how reboot your natural production, that schedule will only make it worse, not better.
To the OP. This is where I started only at 100 mg every 2 weeks. As others have said, it does not work. I had success with 100 mg per week, shots every 3 days or two times per week. Just Test Cyp. With your age though, you should strongly consider HCG. It is good you are asking questions and learning.
I'm glad you qualified your comments regarding ai's so the OP understands that is your opinion and not based on science! When necessary to control estrogen and when used properly, AI's are most certainly NOT poison.
i stand by my comments, there are well respected doctors that agree with me. we dont have medical studies with ai's alongside testosterone in men. its not fda approved, its an off label thing.
i stand by my comments, there are well respected doctors that agree with me. we dont have medical studies with ai's alongside testosterone in men. its not fda approved, its an off label thing.
Just a couple of questions that I know you can't actually answer.
How many guys quit TRT in the first six months because of high E2 side effects? How many guys come on here and other forums with the same story about moving from the honeymoon phase to being miserable with high E2 symptoms? If an AI is poison, why do Defy and other top TRT docs prescribe it routinely IF it's necessary? My TRT doc has hundreds of guys doing great who do not contribute to forums because they are too busy kicking ass and many are on very small doses of an AI?
only two explanations, psychosomatic or too high trt dose. Defy and other clinics run a business, you need to be careful referencing them.
only two explanations, psychosomatic or too high trt dose. Defy and other clinics run a business, you need to be careful referencing them.
All medical practices are businesses. Defy is just an example of a group widely considered very knowledgeable in this field. Many of the high E2 symptoms described by guys are physical such as swelling in feet and legs for example. That's hardly psychosomatic. Anyway, we are going to have to agree to disagree on the efficacy of AI's. Have a great weekend!
testosterone alone is a tried and true therapy that has worked just fine for decades. the addition of hcg is debatable. AI's as far as im concerned are poison and not good for the body, having no place in trt. 200 mg every 2 weeks can work for some people, its not necessarily always a broken protocol. But a lot of men will fall too low those final days before the next inject. Thats why its advised to just go to 100 mg once per week. You dont even need to tell your doctor, just do 0.5ml once per week instead of 1ml biweekly.

This is the situation I am in... My doctor has agreed to do injections but at their starting protocol of 200mg every 2 weeks. This will cost me $28/mo and the doc's office will inject for me for free until I feel good doing it myself. I already picked up the script and its two vials, 200mg/mL each, one dose each vial. I like my doctor, but I feel 100mg/week is the best route. Should I try every 2 weeks for a bit and see how I feel? Or out of the gate just do .5mL? I do not thing these vials have the rubber top so i'm not even sure its an option. No syringes came with it either since he has me coming into the office for the first injection.
Off of clomid, my total T runs around 280. On clomid 25eod around 1,000.
I would learn how to do the injections myself, quickly, if I were you like many on the forum have done so you can start injecting yourself. 200 mg once every two weeks is going to have you feeling good for four to five days as all your levels spike and then as they begin falling you will start feeling bad and the 2nd week you will likely feel the crash coming on strong. You will have huge peaks and valleys. It has been proven that protocol for most people is a failure.

100 mg a week is a good starting point and best if broken down into multiple injections unless you have very high SHBG. Did you doctor test for SHBG? Surely he did because that is the cornerstone of all TRT protocols. That will determine what type of injection schedule you should be on and help determine, along with other factors, what type of dose to start off with.

What is your SHBG?
This is the situation I am in... My doctor has agreed to do injections but at their starting protocol of 200mg every 2 weeks. This will cost me $28/mo and the doc's office will inject for me for free until I feel good doing it myself. I already picked up the script and its two vials, 200mg/mL each, one dose each vial. I like my doctor, but I feel 100mg/week is the best route. Should I try every 2 weeks for a bit and see how I feel? Or out of the gate just do .5mL? I do not thing these vials have the rubber top so i'm not even sure its an option. No syringes came with it either since he has me coming into the office for the first injection.
Off of clomid, my total T runs around 280. On clomid 25eod around 1,000.

Once weekly works for a very smaller percentage of high SHBG men, beyond that it will fail as your hormones will be swinging wildly, an emotional rollercoaster will follow. You need to find a hormone specialists that knows what labs to order and how to manage your hormones and know how to deal with any potential side effects.

I can assure you your doctor is in over his head and he knows it, when side effects do happen inexperienced doctors will stop treatment because they don't know what to do.

You really have no idea the rabbit hole you're about ready to fall into do you?
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