Different approach for HCG


Hello everyone, so i am having issues with HCG. No matter how low i go ( as low as 100 iu) my e2 starts ramping up. I am also super hypersensitive to arimidex and taking as low as 0.01mg (not a typo) brings my e2 too low. When i get off hcg, i start feeling the true benefits of trt. however my nuts starts feeling soft and smaller and this is definitely a no no for me. I inject 3 times a week to avoid e2 spikes and that works just fine when not adding hcg.

I am trying to figure a different approach for HCG application. Couple ideas I had in mind such as
stoping trt every 12 weeks and doing 2 weeks of HCG at 500 iu EOD. Or maybe just add HCG at the end of each month at a 100iu just for a week while adding DIM or any other natural estrogen blocker.

Has anyone tried an unconventional way of incorporating HCG in their TRT protocol with sucess ? Also for the ones that do not use HCG at all and have been on trt for couple years, have u noticed that TRT has become less efficient after the first year ?

Thank you
I crashed e2 really bad on .125mg , that was before i figured i was an over responder.
.01mg twice a week does not crash my e2 but i get the low e2 symptoms ( cracking and painful joints, a bit of a depression ) my erections gets really strong for a day or 2 and my but then i start losing the ability to get it hard at all and lose interest in sex all together. I just don’t feel good on arimidex, i tried for a full year before coming off TRT all together for a year and now i’ve been back for the past 3 month and hoping i can avoid it.
Could you post bloodwork for better feedback?

When you say your E2 starts ramping up with HCG, what do you experience? How long does it happen for? I know some men experience symptoms that go away with time.

If you feel good without HCG and bad when you add it then it probably makes sense to figure out how to use it minimally.

One more expensive option may be FSH injections. I believe it could increase testicle size without creating new hormones. But I would have to look that up to be sure. I’ve read reports here of men using FSH just for testicle volume, but in addition to HCG.
Typically when you start HCG you have to lower your T dose. You need Thyroid labs as Thyroid is part of the puzzle. If you don't have labs your just guessing and no one can help other than guessing with you.
Toremifene or tamoxifen instead of HCG. They will give you a full sack that you're looking for.
Are you suggesting adding one to TRT? There are isolated reports of SERMs working with TRT, but also plenty of negative reports. I wouldn't view this as having a high probability of success.
Thank you everyone for the reply.
Just to clarify few things, I was on trt for a year and couldn’t get dialed in . I got really good at knowing when my e2 is out of balance (high or low) I crashed e2 couple times and had moments of high e2 as well. I had bloodwork to back up my findings. I came off TRT for a year and restored my natural production to pre-TRT . When i got back on TRT i switched providers and my doctor and I decided to start with Test cypionate only plus thyroid medication. After couple blood works i am now on :
- 35mcg T3 slow release daily
-Test cypionate 150mg weekly, injected 3 times a week SQ
This by far is the best i felt on TRT, it is not where i want to be yet but at least i’m seeing a lot of positive results.
After we got it this far, i told my doctor that i want to add HCG and he is a fan so he told me to try playing with the dose and start low and see if i can get it to work.
I have been trying for the past 6 weeks to add HCG in different dosages and i know i need to wait for 4 weeks and do blood work to see where i am but since i can tell when e2 is out of balance, and i’m sure most of you know how bad it feels when e2 is out of balance, it usually takes about a week or maximum 2 to realize that i need to make a change in my protocol. When i add HCG I start feeling bloated and my erection becomes soft and my balls start pulling up tight( high e2 symptoms) so when i add the arimidex at .01mg for couple weeks my e2 start getting lower and i start feeling great before it gets too low and i start feeling the low e2 symptoms i mentioned before. It’s a very hard game and it gets harder when it affects your mental and physical health.

Now for the important part, as i know some would say if HCG is causing all these troubles why not just ditch it like all the guys out there in the gym who blast and cruise and not using HCG. I plan to be on trt for life, and HCG is not only important for the testicular size but also because it keeps your balls running and regulates other hormones that are essential for the way we feel. I have seen many people complaing about how TRT has stoped working for them after couple years or that they started getting depressed and had to add pregnenolone and DHEA and keep dialing all of this hormones for the rest of their lives. I’m 30 years old and i probably have like 40 years agead of me, and i definetly don’t want to spend those 40 years trying to dial in my protocols. Also, the only reason i beleive i was able to get off TRT the first time is because i was on HCG for the whole year so my PCT ,although sucked ass, worked and i got my normal production back.

I have seen reports of doctor taking their patients off TRT once a year to allow their balls to work. Or people adding hcg every couple month just to get the boys back to life so i was hoping to see if this actually worked for any of the fellas on here.

Thank you again
I simply cannot use HCG at any dose without my back breaking out into painful, deep, and large cystic/nodule acne. I’m 50 years old. My body prefers a little elevated E2...as it keeps my penis larger both flaccid and erect. If I use as little as 250 iu of HCG once per week, my back looks like a war zone. If I add arimidex my penis becomes a worthless noodle.

My SHBG is 50.4 and I’m most comfortable with my trough T at around 850 - 900 with E2 around 60 - 70.
Hello everyone, so i am having issues with HCG. No matter how low i go ( as low as 100 iu) my e2 starts ramping up. I am also super hypersensitive to arimidex and taking as low as 0.01mg (not a typo) brings my e2 too low. When i get off hcg, i start feeling the true benefits of trt. however my nuts starts feeling soft and smaller and this is definitely a no no for me. I inject 3 times a week to avoid e2 spikes and that works just fine when not adding hcg.

I am trying to figure a different approach for HCG application. Couple ideas I had in mind such as
stoping trt every 12 weeks and doing 2 weeks of HCG at 500 iu EOD. Or maybe just add HCG at the end of each month at a 100iu just for a week while adding DIM or any other natural estrogen blocker.

Has anyone tried an unconventional way of incorporating HCG in their TRT protocol with sucess ? Also for the ones that do not use HCG at all and have been on trt for couple years, have u noticed that TRT has become less efficient after the first year ?

Thank you
I have been on TRT for 4 years. First shots, then gel, back on shots again. The gel just didn't give me the same bump that the shots did. I was doing 4 squirts of gel each day and still not the same as gel. My testicles have shrunk, but don't much care, as I have more energy and am starting to put on some weight. I am definitely horny as hell all the time. Hope this helps.

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