New Member
Hi all,
I am a Saw Palmetto sufferer. After many years of trying to correct everything through diet and exercise, I decided to try TRT.
Originally I started out on HCG mono which worked for the first few weeks improving my symptoms then seemed to taper off. I then added TRT into my regiment which improved me in many ways but still not much in the way off libido or spontaneous erections.
I had issues with TRT. Mainly feeling angry all the time, still tired still lacking in sexual desire but I was able to preform. I had numerous E2 tests done and they came back slightly high but it was not the sensitive test so I never took an AI.
Anyway, I was losing hair and feeling off and I had to try and weigh up the positives vs negatives and whether it was actually helping. I was on it for 5 months. I am now 27.
I decided to come off TRT and persue natural routes as many post finasteride users have reported benefit with cycling herbs.
Coming off TRT was not to bad. I continued the HCG for 3 weeks after my last injections. The strangest thing happened, when coming off of everything I had this massive boost in libido which I haven't had in a long time. Maybe dopamine resensitizing?
A month after coming off TRT I had bloods. Things had gone down in the bedroom department. Still with weak morning wood but no interest in sex at all. My LH and FSH had come back online, my Total test was low (14nmol/l) and my E2 at 72pmol/l. However, the issue I have had since crashing from Saw Palmetto is high SHBG.
SHBG has been between 40-50 since becoming ill. When I was healthy it hovered around 30 nmol/l. I still have no clue why my SHBG is so high.
Anyway a month later things got really bad. Zero libido. Zero erections, sleep became impossible, Insomnia at its worst, zero energy. Numb penis.
Just got my blood results back from yesterday:
Total Testosterone: 20.3 nmol/l 7.6-31.4
Estradiol (non sensitive): 24.7 pmol/l 50-199
SHBG: 71.9 nmol/l 16-50
Now what has my confused with my condition is that I have sky high SHBG and low E2. This would probably explain alot of the issues I am having. I thought SHBG was raised through HIGH E2,not low. I cannot find anything on the internet regarding low E2 and High SHBG. I seem to be the only one in the world.
I am worried about the side effects of being low for any longer. I am also concerned at not having an erection in two months.
What can I do now?
I am a Saw Palmetto sufferer. After many years of trying to correct everything through diet and exercise, I decided to try TRT.
Originally I started out on HCG mono which worked for the first few weeks improving my symptoms then seemed to taper off. I then added TRT into my regiment which improved me in many ways but still not much in the way off libido or spontaneous erections.
I had issues with TRT. Mainly feeling angry all the time, still tired still lacking in sexual desire but I was able to preform. I had numerous E2 tests done and they came back slightly high but it was not the sensitive test so I never took an AI.
Anyway, I was losing hair and feeling off and I had to try and weigh up the positives vs negatives and whether it was actually helping. I was on it for 5 months. I am now 27.
I decided to come off TRT and persue natural routes as many post finasteride users have reported benefit with cycling herbs.
Coming off TRT was not to bad. I continued the HCG for 3 weeks after my last injections. The strangest thing happened, when coming off of everything I had this massive boost in libido which I haven't had in a long time. Maybe dopamine resensitizing?
A month after coming off TRT I had bloods. Things had gone down in the bedroom department. Still with weak morning wood but no interest in sex at all. My LH and FSH had come back online, my Total test was low (14nmol/l) and my E2 at 72pmol/l. However, the issue I have had since crashing from Saw Palmetto is high SHBG.
SHBG has been between 40-50 since becoming ill. When I was healthy it hovered around 30 nmol/l. I still have no clue why my SHBG is so high.
Anyway a month later things got really bad. Zero libido. Zero erections, sleep became impossible, Insomnia at its worst, zero energy. Numb penis.
Just got my blood results back from yesterday:
Total Testosterone: 20.3 nmol/l 7.6-31.4
Estradiol (non sensitive): 24.7 pmol/l 50-199
SHBG: 71.9 nmol/l 16-50
Now what has my confused with my condition is that I have sky high SHBG and low E2. This would probably explain alot of the issues I am having. I thought SHBG was raised through HIGH E2,not low. I cannot find anything on the internet regarding low E2 and High SHBG. I seem to be the only one in the world.
I am worried about the side effects of being low for any longer. I am also concerned at not having an erection in two months.
What can I do now?