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  1. E

    HCG change from USP to Pregnyl sudden side effects

    Hi All, My pharmacy was out of my regular HCG USP and switched me to Pregnyl. They said is would be the same but I have been having sudden insomnia and just a general increase in nervous energy that is hard to explain. I have tried reducing my dosage to half which seems to help somewhat. Any...
  2. phalloguy100

    Best brand of hCG? Vote on what has worked well for you!

    For those of you who have ordered hCG from other countries, especially from India, what brands do you recommend? Have you found anything comparable to Pregnyl? Corion Fertigyn Hucog Lupi-HCG Novarel Ovidag Ovunal Pregnyl Puretrig Sifasi ZyHCG
  3. J

    Pregnyl Pricing

    I got a prescription today for Pregnyl. However, local pharmacy pricing is well over $300 for 10,000 IUs. Anyone know if this is cheaper going to a Canadian Pharmacy? I'm in the U.S.
  4. mooseman109

    Pregnyl success

    I have been on TRT for 10 years now and most of the time just T mono therpy. I have tried hcg several times for a few months with no noticeable difference, in labs, size of balls, or anything. It has always been compounded never brand name Pregnyl. This last Dr meeting I asked Dr Calkins if...
  5. Gianluca

    Need advice on HCG and side effects.

    As some of you know, I included again into my TRT protocol the HCG at 150IU daily using Pregnyl. I have used the HCG for 10 days straight now, and I’d like to know if you guys think I should wait a bit longer or this call for a dose reduction. I have good side effects but to keep the post...
  6. Gianluca

    anyone on daily Pregnyl?

    I have recently restarted my HCG after almost 4 years of not using it. I have been using 150IU ED for 7 days now as I used to do for a long time. The HCG does feel different this time, not sure it is the brand vs the compounded or perhaps my system that was dormant for 4 years has something to...
  7. F

    Ovitrelle pen instead of Pregnyl

    First time posting here, hopefully I’m creating this thread in the right place. I’m taking 50mg of Sustanon per injection on M-W-F. For fertility and preventing testicle atrophy. I’ve been prescribed 300UI 3x per week of HCG, but I’m traveling indefinitely and I cannot find Pregnyl anywhere...
  8. D

    Testosterone + HCG in Same Syringe

    I know some here combine the doses. Can you tell me technique and size syringe/needle you use? I’ll be using cypionate and pregnyl. Lure-Lok syringe or integral diabetic style?
  9. D

    Questionable Amount of Pregnyl

    Received my first Pregnyl from Empower today and was surprised at the small quantity. This is supposed to be mixed with 10ml of included bacteriostatic water. Previously, I've used compounded HCG and there seemed to be much more powder for the same concentration. Shook all the powder to the...
  10. R

    Injecting HCG (Pregnyl) In The Bicep & Needle Length

    Hi Everybody :) waaay back in 2016 (i think...thats when I created my account), I read a post from Nelson recommending injecting HCG into the Bicept. I just wanted to see if this was still a recommended approach for a guy with my body type. I am pretty lean and pretty muscular (5'10" / 170...
  11. G

    Very little powder in HCG (Pregnyl) bottle

    For everyone that has used or uses Pregnyl, is it normal for there too be so little powder inside? Idk if you can see it through these pics, but there’s barely any powder in the bottle. And this is a 10,000iu vial. I feel like years ago when I used Pregnyl there used to be much mrle powder in...
  12. N

    I can’t find HCG/Pregnyl

    It’s been a few months now. ExpressScripts my usual pharmacy is even saying it won’t process until 05/24/2023 now. None of my local pharmacies carry it and compounding pharmacies can’t create it now. My sex drive and mental health have steadily declined over the last few months. What options do...
  13. T

    Where to purchase Pregnyl?

    I have been prescribed Pregnyl (HCG) by Defy. Not covered under my insurance. They called the prescription into Publix, and I had a GoodRx coupon for $120, but Publix said that the price they would charge is $1,000. GoodRx is calling them to see if they can sort it out. Short of that, does...
  14. C

    Defy Medical: Pregnyl: CVS Specialty Pharmacy

    Does it matter which CVS pharmacy Defy calls in the script for Pregnyl HCG? Do I need to specifcally find a CVS Specialty pharmacy and call them to make sure it is in stock before Defy calls in the script? I am located in the Dallas, TX area.
  15. M

    Pregnyl in Canada

    Hi guys, I'm running out of Pregnyl in the next couple days and it looks like there is a supply shortage in Ontario, Canada where I live. Does anyone know a reputable supplier I can contact who might still have supply? All the big name pharmacies are out. I have a prescription I can transfer...
  16. C

    Finding Pregnyl in FL

    Hey guys, So I recently just got a new Rx for my Pregnyl. I have been having issues with filling my previous Pregnyl script due to back order and constant issues with CVS specialty pharmacy, so I just wanted to ask before I submit my script anywhere, where are you guys filling up your Pregnyl...
  17. jacb

    Pregnyl Vs Ovidac (hCG)

    I know that some people have a preference for Pregnyl when it come to hCG. But can somebody with knowledge explain to me how the IU system works ... Am I not correct is saying that any brand of hCG administered in the same IU quantity should have the same effect? Or are there more factors at...
  18. J

    Can't get hcg, use pregnyl?

    I can no longer get hcg, should I use pregnyl? Is it as effective? The main reason I am using it is to keep my testicles full. Thanks.
  19. keithc2485

    How different is compounded HCG vs Pregnyl?

    Hey guys, so I have been on HCG for the past 6 months and it's been through as a brand-name pregnyl which has been working wonderfully but... It's quite pricey $127 from the pharmacy I get it at . Also the amount I use which is only 500 IU a week broken into two injections isn't a lot and I end...
  20. keithc2485

    Pregnyl HCG is it safe to use 7d past 60 days??

    So I know this topic has been talked about .I've seen some companies say 90 days 30 days 60 days. And different ppl say it lasts longer .. . But I just can't afford my new bottle of pregnyl until Friday and need to dose tommorow but 60 days past on the 22nd of September.. What do you guys...
  21. B

    625iu hcg dose

    Ok so I usually have hcg 500iu three times a week, sometimes twice if I'm running short. Today I mixed 10,000iu of Pregnyl in to what I thought was 10ml bac water but it was either less than 10ml or because I was drawing in to separate syringes for freezing, some must have got lost in the...
  22. G

    Pregnyl alternatives

    I was getting my Pregnyl filled at CVS for a while, but last time I tried they said it was unavailable to order from the manufacturer. They said the manufacturer no longer makes it. So I had to use compounded HCG for a little while. I recently tried again this past week to get Pregnyl filled at...
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