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  1. FunkOdyssey

    Aromatization at different body fat %

    I'm wondering if anyone has experiences or data on the effect of different levels of body fat on aromatization. Right now I'm 18-19% body fat, and I'm wondering if I drop to 10-12% how much that will reduce my E2 if I kept my TRT dose constant. For example, if I drop from 19 to 11% body fat...
  2. S

    Association between sex hormones and erectile dysfunction in men without hypoandrogenism

    I saw this featured on Dr Thomas O'Connor's IG page the other day, and thought it was interesting -
  3. G

    Estrogen and IGF-1

    I always thought that estrogen helps the liver produce more IGF-1, however, was just researching the connection real quick on google, and it seems like everything states that increasing estrogen actually inhibits the liver from making IGF-1. So a person would actually want lower estrogen levels...
  4. K


    Gentlemen, there is a cure for Low SHBG FINALLY. And, It is tangible unlike the "keto diet and fasting". There is a newly approved drug that could easily more than double our SHBG and for many of us would mean a new life and TRT working. The drug is called Rezdiffra (Resmetirom) manufactured by...
  5. K

    Anastrazole timings - twice a week or each time I inject?

    Hi there I posted a few months ago and took the advice to lower my dosages - thanks to those who advised. Currently on Sustanon, HCG and Anastrazole. This message isn't to have a debate on whether or not AIs are good or bad - we're all different and I understand that @Nelson Vergel doesn't want...
  6. StephCurryFtw

    Weight Loss - Norepinephrine/Dopamine/TRT

    Not sure what thread to put this under— I have gained about 51 pounds since 2018 of mostly abdominal fat. I have noticed at a higher weight, I am not feeling as though my TRT is working long enough. I’m guessing it is getting converted into E2 and/or not hitting the receptor sites as my Free T...
  7. L

    Lab results on follow up

    I've finally gotten my results back and here they are (3 mth f/u): TT - 990 (MS) FT - 178 (Dialysis) Estradiol - 44 (LC/MS) Free T3 - 3.2 SHBG - 37 Hematocrit - 54 Hemoglobin - 17.2 LH - <0.2 Reference Range: 1.5-9.3 mIU/mL I'm feeling great and I would not change anything in my protocol...
  8. Gianluca

    Estradiol (ECLIA) test worth?

    Hi guys, I find myself outside the US and wanted to check on my estradiol, I can only find an Estradiol ECLIA test here in Italy. I suspect my E2 is gong down. Would this test methodology give me an understanding if my E2 is on the low side, or it would be just better to get back in the US for...
  9. phalloguy100

    TRT questions - Low SHBG and Anastrazole use

    Hi guys, I have couple of questions about my TRT protocol. 1) In my last labs, SHBG came back low (1 unit below normal range). What effect does that have on things like libido, EQ, etc.? Is it necessary to raise it? 2) Unrelated to #1... from time to time my estradiol has been high. Doctor...
  10. madman

    Accuracy-based proficiency testing for estradiol measurements

    ABSTRACT Objectives Accuracy of estradiol measurements is important but conventional proficiency testing (PT) cannot assess accuracy when possibly non-commutable samples are used and method peer-group means are the targets. Accuracy-based assessment of estradiol measurements is needed...
  11. aneuman

    T.Cyp 100 mg/week - Night sweats, anxiety

    Hello all, I was previously on 90 mg/week, divided in 3 weekly doses of 30 mg, M-W-F, IM on the deltoids. After 6 weeks on this protocol, the labs indicated: Total T: 1044 ng/dL Free T: 19.52 ng/dl Estradiol sensitive: 34 pg/mL SHBG: 36 nmol/L However, I had the following sides effects: -...
  12. S

    Relation of Testosterone, Dihydrotestosterone, and Estradiol With Changes in Outcomes Measures in the Testosterone Trials "These analyses were not prespecified and need confirmation in additional studies of other datasets. Our models were modestly predictive, with r-squared values ranging from 0.16 for HDL cholesterol to 0.27 for vBMD, indicating that there...
  13. P

    Difficulty finding the right dose

    I've been on TRT for about 10 years. Every time I read the benefits I realize I've never really experienced them. I wondered if I'm on the right dose. It never helped with depression so I take Wellbutrin. I'm 65 yrs old. I was on 0.7 ml but I started to have some problems. I didn't feel great...
  14. U

    Should I switch out my hcg

    Hi there. I’ve been in trt for a year using gels two pumps daily. Also was using hcg twice a week. My challenge is that my E2 levels are really high compared to where I started and although they are not in the clinical danger zone I do find I’m having some issues ie no erections, feeling...
  15. phalloguy100

    Are Clomid side effects worth it?

    Hey there! I've been on TRT for a while due to secondary hypogonadism. Due to moving / no job, I was off TRT for 2-3 years and my levels dropped to "normal" which for me is <200 total T. Started seeing a new PCP last year who ran 2 morning T tests, both came back low, so he started me on...
  16. D

    HELP! Adjusting TRT Protocol-Acne, Libido, Low Free T

    Hello, I am 35 175lbs 5’11 and have been on TRT for 2 years. I have been trying to find my sweet spot and get dialed in the majority of the 2 years. I work out 6 days a week and eat very healthy etc…My current issues are: Back acne Oily face Low libido Testes and penis always feel cold and have...
  17. P

    So hear are my test results:

    Estradiol: 64.2. (since this result, I started taking arimidex .5 mg (1/2. tablet) twice per week Testosterone total: 1,190 Testosterone free: 25.6 What is the best range for best results? I know the estrogen was too high...
  18. B

    Inj Frequency

    I know everyone is different, but I would like to hear what you have found best for inj frequency, My SHBG is mid range at 45, E2 runs a bit high at 60, HCT and HGB has been a problem for me, last blood work it was 57 and 19 so I did go donate, in the past I have had issues when i donated 3...
  19. G

    Less than 50 mg of T per week

    Do you inject less than 50 mg of T per week? If so, how do you feel? What were/is your lab results before/after you started TRT? I am on 60 mg with high FT, T and E2. I am considering 50 mg, or even less. I'm on Enathate.
  20. B

    New hypothesis: Free E2 rant, E2:SHBG ratios, why does no one bother

    So this relates to all forums, Reddit, various YouTube videos from doctors, pretty much every internet information source. As of the past few years all the rage and focus is on FT. So much so that certain tests are referred to with derogatory names. “Piss poor”. That’s how important FT is to...
  21. W

    High LH, low thyroid, No Estradiol & Natty.

    I am seeing my endocrinologist tomorrow, curious for initial recommendations as to correct course of action to feel better, low estradiol symptoms.... I had thought of asking about HCG, or estradiol supplementation. Thank you for the help.
  22. R

    5 Months in...

    Hello All, My name is Steve. I started TRT about 5 months ago and am trying to wrap my head around what my most recent blood testing results are telling me. First of all I am 33, have struggled with my weight for most of my adult life. I would be categorized as obese. I am 6' 2", currently 320...
  23. G

    Failing TRT

    Hello, I started TRT 11 weeks ago. My protocol is 35 mg of T Enanthate twice a week (Wednesday evening and Sunday morning). Initially I felt quite fine and even libido came earlier than expected (in 4 weeks). My lab results after 6 weeks (a few hours before next injection) were as follows: FT...
  24. W

    Serotonin Syndrome Low Estradiol

    I had what I believe to be serotonin syndrome, something I wouldn't wish on my own worst enemy, in December of 2021. It took me two months to feel normal, going through brain fog, brain zaps similar to those coming off antidepressant, blurry vision, anhedonia, exhaustion, panic attacks etc. By...
  25. S

    Hot flashes are unlikely to be a symptom of increasing or increased E2, and more likely to be a symptom of decreases in E2 levels or low E2.

    After reading up a ton of literature on Estrogen effects on males, there's really a whole bunch of realisations about how extremely useful it is in male function and consequently how misunderstood and mishandled it is by men or TRT clinics. I'm glad Nelson seems to have a much better...
  26. S

    New to anastrazole (confusion)

    Struggling to understand this general situation… New doc has started me on enanthate 60mg SQ twice a week. Started monday (today is wed). Also prescribed anastasole 1mg “sometime in between the two doses”. It seems relevant that im 80-90 pounds overweight, carrying it all in belly. Ive read...
  27. K

    D-chiro-inositol raises testosterone significantly

    This study confirms that D-chiro-inositol raises Testosterone significantly and lowers E2 and Estrone : Why is this not talked about anywhere ? Is there something wrong with the study ? Am I missing something ?
  28. G

    Some labs out of range -- would you change anything?

    Hi All, My question is: Given my data below -- would you change anything? Me: 61yo, 5'10", 165lbs, TRT for nearly 2 years. I've titrated up over that time up to current .10mg test cyp SQ daily (last 6 months). Good body composition, good energy, good cognitive function, good libido/sexual...
  29. M

    E2 Crash Recovery

    I seem to have crashed my E2 earlier this month after anastrozole overuse. My E2 was <5.0 on 11/8, but has since bounced back to 30.7 on 11/16. However, I'm still not feeling much relief, specifically from the ed and low libido. I have been taking clomid and HCG since the crashed however (for...
  30. D

    Lower E2 = Higher Memory Recall?

    Here is an interesting in vivo study with findings suggesting that lower levels of estrogen in the brain correlate to higher performance in varying forms of memory recall in men. @Cataceous @readalot @Nelson Vergel If a man were to experience brain fog and reduced memory recall while on TRT...
  31. A

    I need help with Low E2. I’m at my wits end.

    I’ve been struggling with low E2 for the longest time. Started off my TRT 36 mg daily test CYP, 200 IU HCG daily, and 0.0625 mg anastrozole twice per week. Dropped the AI due to low E2 symptoms (mostly achy knees, lethargy, difficulty maintaining/getting erection). Bloodwork showed T = 3100...
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