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  1. FunkOdyssey

    Testosterone Propionate without benzyl benzoate?

    Does anyone know of a testosterone propionate formula without benzyl benzoate? Whether it's from a compounding pharmacy or UGL, I am not picky. @BigTex ? @Gman86 ?
  2. FunkOdyssey

    Test ester metabolism and SC injections (everything we knew is wrong?)

    I remember a long time ago asking the question of whether depositing a testosterone oil depot in fatty tissue surrounded by aromatase could potentially increase E2 production. The universal answer: no, it couldn't possibly, because testosterone can't aromatize until the ester is cleaved off...
  3. FunkOdyssey

    The ultimate subcutaneous testosterone formulation

    Can anyone assist me with access to the following article? According to a guy on Reddit, the article contains details of the research beyond Xyosted, including why sesame oil was chosen as the carrier oil (least site irritation/reactions, best...
  4. FunkOdyssey

    My TRT Odyssey: Lab Results and More

    I'm back on TRT after recording my lowest ever free T recently and getting super lucky with a last hail mary attempt using a new formula. Briefly, my history is as follows: 43 years old with hypogonadal symptoms (all of them) since forever, low free T (6.5 ng/dl) Tried testosterone cypionate...
  5. FunkOdyssey

    Does hCG boost libido by stimulating 5-alpha-reductase?

    I started a previous thread to unravel the mystery of why hCG improves libido in some men, which generated some good discussion but didn't reach any firm conclusions: Now comes a youtube video from Cortex Labs that claims...
  6. FunkOdyssey

    TRT as Birth Control: Semen Analysis Results

    It seems like most guys that perform semen analysis on TRT are taking things like hCG and FSH in order restore their fertility. I'm curious about the opposite: has anyone on TRT without hCG performed semen analysis in order to confirm their infertile status? I know people caution against...
  7. FunkOdyssey

    Kisspeptin Dosage

    Kisspeptin is looking increasingly promising for improving libido and sexual function. Check out this new study: Can anyone (@readalot ?) help me figure out what 1 nmol/kg of kisspeptin translates to in micrograms? That is the dose per...
  8. FunkOdyssey

    Done with TRT and recovered within two weeks

    I pulled the plug on my TRT journey after a little more than 3 months. I was enjoying some benefits in the area of energy, mood, and recovery/gains. However: The hair loss was out of control. I went from a full, thick head of hair before I started to visibly thinned hair that shows my scalp...
  9. FunkOdyssey

    How bad of an idea would it be to give my wife some T-cyp?

    My wife's libido is even worse than mine. It's been like that ever since our daughter was born 4 years ago. She had a healthy libido before pregnancy and even throughout pregnancy, but giving birth was like flipping a switch that shut off the libido. She's 43 now and probably has low T...
  10. FunkOdyssey

    Poll: Cream vs Injection DHT Sides

    I'm interested to hear from men that have tried both injections and cream when it comes to side effects commonly attributed to DHT, like acne and hair loss. It is clear that serum DHT on cream is ridiculously elevated to many multiples of the normal range in almost everyone using it. However...
  11. FunkOdyssey

    The Case Against Antidepressants

    I decided to create a new thread to compile some of the evidence against the use of antidepressant drugs to treat depression. In my mind, the most compelling reason to avoid them is that they may worsen the condition over time, so we will begin there. The following paper suggests poor-long...
  12. FunkOdyssey

    Propionate PIP Poll

    My TRT provider, who is also the largest convicted steroid dealer in America, is of the opinion that PIP reported with testosterone propionate is most likely caused by the testosterone crashing out of solution in the body and provoking an inflammatory response. He does not believe that it is...
  13. FunkOdyssey

    The association between caffeine intake and testosterone: NHANES 2013–2014

    The association between caffeine intake and testosterone: NHANES 2013–2014 Frank E. Glover, William Michael Caudle, Francesco Del Giudice, Federico Belladelli, Evan Mulloy, Eniola Lawal & Michael L. Eisenberg Nutrition Journal volume 21, Article number: 33 (2022) Abstract Background Caffeine...
  14. FunkOdyssey

    Non-MPB hair loss on TRT

    I'm age 41 and still have a full head of hair with no change in my hairline. Older men in my family had a full head of hair in old age, so that and the fact that I haven't lost any yet made me confident that MPB is not something I needed to worry about. What I thought I understood about TRT...
  15. FunkOdyssey

    Libido: hCG vs higher T / E2

    When people say that hCG improves libido, it seems like a huge confounding factor to me that it also substantially increases your testosterone level and especially your E2, while reducing the T/E2 ratio. Has anyone achieved the same or very similar levels of T and E2 both on and off hCG to...
  16. FunkOdyssey

    Stop taking Vitamin D already

    As a recovering supplement-holic and veteran of 20+ years of supplement hype cycles, I have a bias against useless and/or dangerous supplementation. Vitamin D belongs mostly in the former category, though you can push it into the latter with high doses. Like antioxidant vitamins and like fish...
  17. FunkOdyssey

    How much does TRT typically boost IGF-1 level?

    Here's my sad pre-TRT IGF-1 value: How much do you think this is going to go up on 105 mg test cyp weekly? I will follow up with test results but I'm curious what others have seen.
  18. FunkOdyssey

    TRT doesn't cause deficiency of Preg/DHEA/Prog and HCG doesn't fix it

    That is the bold claim made by this user on Reddit: What do you guys think? Is this why most men on TRT are doing well without supplementing the upstream hormones?
  19. FunkOdyssey

    Minimum time for labs after protocol change

    I'm aware of the common advice to wait six weeks to run labs after starting TRT or changing your protocol. But then I see this when I model my 10.5 mg test cyp daily protocol: It seems to me that the peak release per day, or very close to the peak, has been reached much earlier than six...
  20. FunkOdyssey

    Is this primary or secondary hypogonadism?

    I'm a couple weeks into TRT now so that decision has been made, however I am wondering how I would be classified based on these labs. I took some tests twice, about a week apart, to verify the results. I'm a high SHBG, low Free T type of guy, with an elevated FSH. I haven't been able to find...
  21. FunkOdyssey

    Why don't boys suffer hypogonadal symptoms?

    I'm wondering if anyone can help resolve a mystery I've been thinking about. We understand that the lack of testosterone in men can cause an array of non-sexual symptoms, including low energy, depression, anxiety, irritability, lack of drive/motivation, falling asleep after meals, difficulty...
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