Seeker of Wisdom
Kisspeptin is looking increasingly promising for improving libido and sexual function. Check out this new study:
Can anyone (@readalot ?) help me figure out what 1 nmol/kg of kisspeptin translates to in micrograms? That is the dose per hour they gave these men, for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I assume a subcutaneous shot of the same dosage would be a good starting point if I wanted to experiment with it.
Effects of Kisspeptin on Sexual Brain Processing and Penile Tumescence in Men With Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PMC
Does kisspeptin administration modulate sexual brain processing in men with low sexual desire due to hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD)? In this randomized clinical trial of 32 men with HSDD, kisspeptin administration significantly modulated ...

Can anyone (@readalot ?) help me figure out what 1 nmol/kg of kisspeptin translates to in micrograms? That is the dose per hour they gave these men, for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I assume a subcutaneous shot of the same dosage would be a good starting point if I wanted to experiment with it.