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  1. C

    High SHBG - any way to lower?

    I recently was able to view lab results from 2018 to present day. Every time I have had lab work done (hormone panel) my SHBG is always higher than it should be. The higher than normal value presented even before I tried self prescribed TRT. 2018 (prior to testosterone) - Testosterone 26.9...
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    What to ask for...

    So I have a doctors app next week. I'm going to ask for some lab work. For the last several months I have had very diminished libido. I have mentioned this in previous posts - I dabbled with self prescribing testosterone. My last injection was nearly a year ago (Feb 2022). I kept it on the low...
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    Libido Supplements

    I have posted on this board in the past regarding TRT and libido. I had briefly dabbled with self prescribed TRT a few years back. It was initially amazing (honeymoon) with regards to energy and libido but that quickly paled in the face of the negative sides I experienced. I ultimately stopped...
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    Prostate Supplement causing decreased libido?

    Just curious. I am 55. Over the last few years I've developed some bph symptoms. The usual, up a few times through the night, bit of dribble etc...I started taking an otc supplement "Super Prostate" from Webber Naturals. It contains Saw palmetto liposterolic extract 125mg, Stinging nettle...
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    No libido, unable to orgasm

    So I've been off testosterone for four months. Didn't do much of a PCT. Tried clomid briefly - it was awful, tried a few test booster and "pct" supplements - who really knows if they work or not. I'm not feeling awful but I am feeling sub-par. Still trying to work out at least 5 times a week...
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    Once weekly Clomid?

    Just wondering if there would be any benefit (or harm) with a once weekly 25mg dose of Clomid? I've been off test (80mg test-cyp weekly) for over 3 months now. I'm feeling better (although my desire for sex is quite low)...After stopping the test, I initially started CLomid 12.5mg daily then eod...
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    Supraphysiological test levels after stopping TRT

    I am throwing this question to the vast amount of knowledge on this board. My last Test-Cyp injection was February 4th (75mg, shallow IM, which I had been injecting weekly for less than 2 months). I had started low dose clomid (25mg eod) but stopped that 4 weeks prior to scheduled blood work...
  8. C

    Information about Proviron

    Hi all, I have been looking into Proviron as of late as I have been experiencing lower than normal libido. I dabbled with low dose testosterone cycles over the past few years as my test levels indicated low normal. I am currently not taking anything and haven't for a few months now. I really...
  9. C

    Skin issues while on testosterone?

    Has anyone experienced eczema like skin issues while on TRT? I don't mean injection site issues like redness and inflammation but systemic hive like, extremely itchy raised lesions on the back, chest, right and left flank. I have been off TRT for a few months now and the issue has increased. The...
  10. C

    Appropriate duration of Clomid use post self prescribed TRT

    Just throwing another question to the masses. I am currently into my third week of Clomid only, post a two month (or so) duration of self administered TRT (75mg weekly test-e). I started a week after my last injection with 12.5mg of Clomid daily (week 1) then upped it to 25mg daily from week 2...
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    PCT Advice

    So here I am again...let's just say I'm a living breathing definition of insanity. I have been jumping on and off the TRT train for the last three years or so hoping for a different outcome each time... I jump on... experience sides, adjust my dosage and injection protocol...but in the end I...
  12. C

    Weekly Injections

    I currently inject 100mg Test-cyp weekly. Shallow IM. Every Friday. I have been finding lately that the few days prior to my injection is when I am feeling the best. Increased libido, energy, focus etc...Could this be indicative that my test is too high and as it levels out towards the end of...
  13. C titrate up or down while on TRT?

    Just wondering if anyone else has had the same experience. I am "self dosing" testosterone cyp. Weekly shallow IM injections of 87.5mg. The first 3-4 weeks were great. Libido and energy took quite a jump. Going in to weeks 5-6 things started slowing down, especially the libido. I have read in...
  14. C

    Possibility of "test booster" ingredients affecting lab results?

    This is simply a question/observation I am throwing out to the masses. I had been self dosing testosterone e last year for about six months. Approximately 80-100mg weekly - shallow IM. Stopped the first week of November due to some unwanted sides. No PCT. I did start taking a test booster...
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    Just curious, has anyone ever experienced what is called dermatographia while taking testosterone injections? I was injecting test-e subq (80-100mg weekly) for the last five months or so and have developed an interesting skin reaction. Basically I can take a retracted ball point pen and write my...
  16. C

    Effective Supplements for PCT

    So I have been self dosing testosterone-e since June of this year. Average 80-100mg weekly subQ injections. I’m ready to stop as I feel the negative effects are beginning to outweigh the positives. I’m 53, fit, muscular, active. Try to eat healthy. I initiated trt after experiencing the usual...
  17. C

    PCT supplement advice and suggestions

    So I have been self dosing testosterone-e since June of this year. Average 80-100mg weekly subQ injections. I’m ready to stop as I feel the negative effects are beginning to outweigh the positives. I’m 53, fit, muscular, active. Try to eat healthy. I initiated trt after experiencing the usual...
  18. C

    Anyone ever experience....

    Been on low to average dose test-e since June of this year. Weekly injections 90-100mg. Felt great for the first few months. Libido increased, energy, clarity, over all sense of well-being. The last couple of months have not been as great. Feeling worse than before trt. I'm getting this strange...
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    Question about Test and dosing

    Does exogenous testosterone, no matter the dose completely shut down the natural production of testosterone. I was talking to a physician about this at one time and he said no it doesn't. But that is in contrast to a number of articles I've come across. If a person (say age 53) self prescribes...
Buy Lab Tests Online