low dhea due to trt

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if trt causes dhea to be low on labs (i.e. pre trt in the mid 100's, on trt - in the 80s), would supplementing dhea with trt, improve dhea levels and fatigue?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Can't say about fatigue, that's a pandora's box of possibilities but if you do supplement I recommend the oral micronized @ 50mg for starters. Or 25mg and see how it goes.
if trt causes dhea to be low on labs (i.e. pre trt in the mid 100's, on trt - in the 80s), would supplementing dhea with trt, improve dhea levels and fatigue?

Your dhea should increase with TRT, that's why you are told to wait on supplementing with dhea until you are tested after starting TRT. Then if levels are still low you can start supplementing with dhea.
Your dhea should increase with TRT, that's why you are told to wait on supplementing with dhea until you are tested after starting TRT. Then if levels are still low you can start supplementing with dhea.

I wish I had DHEAS number from pre trt. My numbers are terribly low on TRT.
I've been on TRT for a couple years (test only, with some anastrozole) - and just recently moved to Defy. Dr. Saya saw that my DHEA levels were very low and he prescribed 30mg DHEA + 30mg Pregnenolone daily.

Just for another data point...
I've been on TRT for a couple years (test only, with some anastrozole) - and just recently moved to Defy. Dr. Saya saw that my DHEA levels were very low and he prescribed 30mg DHEA + 30mg Pregnenolone daily.

Just for another data point...

May I ask what you chose...oral micronized or the cream? I had to switch up, I wasn't absorbing the cream and/or it was aromatizing as my E is/has been unexplainably high.
May I ask what you chose...oral micronized or the cream? I had to switch up, I wasn't absorbing the cream and/or it was aromatizing as my E is/has been unexplainably high.

I didn't really "choose" - I just went with what was prescribed which was oral micronized powder - both combined into one small capsule. Same pharmacy that made the HCG and Test also made these caps...
Also, in a general sense that applies to men and women both - natural DHEA levels drop fairly dramatically with age, so if you are 40 or older (and are not taking DHEA) chances are you are on the low end of the scale. That's not to say you should not test - you should - but something to keep in mind.
Im now on the same thing. I think maybe when I started I was using a OTC cream and expressed interest in that. But thinking back on it my DHEA only ever tested higher was on oral micronized. While using the cream my DHEA was always low. the one time I tested Preg (last Month) it was very low. Cream obviously not working for me.
I've been on TRT for a couple years (test only, with some anastrozole) - and just recently moved to Defy. Dr. Saya saw that my DHEA levels were very low and he prescribed 30mg DHEA + 30mg Pregnenolone daily.

Just for another data point...
How long have you been using 30mg DHEA + 30mg Pregnenolone, have you had your levels checked since starting and any difference how you feel?
How long have you been using 30mg DHEA + 30mg Pregnenolone, have you had your levels checked since starting and any difference how you feel?

Consult with Dr. Saya was just last Tuesday. Started taking the caps last Friday, April 1. So it's only been 4-5 days so far. Too soon to tell anything. Next blood test will be in 8 weeks unless we need to do it sooner.
I'm going to try supplementing with Pure Encapsulations DHEA and pregnenolone brand.
Pure Encapsulations DHEA is micronized to increase absorption. It is made with 99% pure, pharmaceutical grade DHEA.*

Pregnenolone, a natural precursor to over 150 steroid hormones, helps support the immune system, mood and memory.*
Hi Nelson

Higher dose TRT and anabolics can decrease DHEA. I suggest anyone on over 150 mg per week of testosterone to get upstream hormones.
Anabolic steroids and TRT decrease SHBG, DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone in men.

If someone started trt with low dhea and progesterone, or it lowered after a month or so after starting..could this have a effect on mood, because what I have read dhea and progesterone have calming effect on mood...and if so would supplementing correct any mood issues...
Hi Nelson

Higher dose TRT and anabolics can decrease DHEA. I suggest anyone on over 150 mg per week of testosterone to get upstream hormones.
Anabolic steroids and TRT decrease SHBG, DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone in men.

If someone started trt with low dhea and progesterone, or it lowered after a month or so after starting..could this have a effect on mood, because what I have read dhea and progesterone have calming effect on mood...and if so would supplementing correct any mood issues...
what does dhea do for body? Me and friend of mine used cream man I swear its crashed my estrogen (because it went low on labwork) and we got hella side effects.. basically feeling like hell for last few months.. Why would we have such response if dhea is usefull hormone as far as I know? I am not touching this crap never in my life again I always did fine on testosterone alone then when I used additional stuff I seem to be screwed up always
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