Ok to preload needles?

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Is it ok to pre load the needle of Testosterone Cyp and leave for a day or two? Same with HCG if I preload a needle and leave it in the fringe so it's ready to go. Anything wrong with this?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Many guys do, though no manufacturer is going to recommend it. There's a slightly increased chance of microbial contamination, and rarely some drug carriers may degrade the syringe material over time.
the break point in sterility and integrity of the syringe, contamination of the medication is probably much further down the line in the area of more than a week, perhaps.

None of that has been proven though.

I load no more than 5 syringes at a time to cover my week.
Not only do I pre-load my syringes, I use the same one 3 times. Been doing it for years as it's a total pain getting needles and syringes in the part of the world I live and work and even bringing them into the country would likely see me in trouble if caught.
El alcohol bencilico que viene incorporado en los viales de testo no cumple la funcion de detener el crecimiento bacteriano?pregunto por lo hablado en este hilo.
El alcohol bencilico que viene incorporado en los viales de testo no cumple la funcion de detener el crecimiento bacteriano?pregunto por lo hablado en este hilo.
Sí, pero no hay alcohol en la HCG que mencionó. Además, las jeringas no son herméticas como un vial de medicamento.
Lo siento, tienes razón! Estaba confundiendo agua estéril con bacteriostática.

Gracias por ayudarme a practica mi espanol!
I normally preload 2 weeks worth of insulin needles at a time backfilling....Been doing it for 2 years and no problems whatsoever, would be interesting to hear if anyone has had a problem doing this?
[QUOTE = "theoneguy, publicación: 168866, miembro: 18429"]
Normalmente precargo 2 semanas de agujas de insulina en un momento de llenado ... Lo he estado haciendo durante 2 años y no tengo ningún problema, ¿sería interesante saber si alguien ha tenido problemas para hacer esto?
[/CITAR]theoneguy do you use fixed-needle insulin syringes at preload?
[QUOTE = "theoneguy, publicación: 168866, miembro: 18429"]
Normalmente precargo 2 semanas de agujas de insulina en un momento de llenado ... Lo he estado haciendo durante 2 años y no tengo ningún problema, ¿sería interesante saber si alguien ha tenido problemas para hacer esto?
theoneguy ¿utiliza jeringas de insulina de aguja fija en la precarga?
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Not only do I pre-load my syringes, I use the same one 3 times. Been doing it for years as it's a total pain getting needles and syringes in the part of the world I live and work and even bringing them into the country would likely see me in trouble if caught.

You use the same needles 3 times? What country are you in where bringIng in needles is an issue? Why not just order online and pay the shipping? Just curious.
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