What's your HGB/HCT?

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I just wanted to get a feel for everyone's different level and what they are comfortable with as I've noticed the difference is big. I would like my HGB to stay in the 17's and HCT to be very low 50's, but I'm seeing that even 4mg daily is too much.

3 weeks ago my RBC was 5.87, HGB 17.7 and HCT 49.1, but I know that the reason for the low HCT in comparison is because my MCV is 83 due to folate deficiency. I've been working on getting it back to to 88 the past couple weeks so I'm sure that's going to push my HGB and HCT back up to levels I'm not comfortable with. I have no symptoms other then red blotchy palms right now...so far that is. I've skipped my daily shot for 5 days and slept fantastic the past 2 days. I've got to figure out a new protocol.

Anyway, what are you comfortable with?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
As far as hematocrit, I like to keep it <52% and hemoglobin <18. I get phlebotomies every month due to hematocrit getting as high as 57% and hemoglobin 19.2.

My Total T levels are never above the normal ranges either.
Looks like we prefer similar levels. What about your RBC? How high does that get?
My endo usual focuses on the hemoglobin and is less concerned about hematocrit and doesn't test RBC on a regular monthly basis.

I test one week after the phlebotomy and right before.
Gotcha. I've wondered about the HGB vs HCT before. HCT is always focused on, but there's a small subset out there that focus on HGB. I wonder what's really more important.
It would be interesting to see how many members still have to donate blood. After being on TRT for a few years.
Right. I've been on TRT 8 years, no sleep apnea and don't smoke and erythrocytosis still out of control. And that's with free test levels midrange at trough. I'm over it.
Gotcha. I've wondered about the HGB vs HCT before. HCT is always focused on, but there's a small subset out there that focus on HGB. I wonder what's really more important.
I answered this question for you previously in the most excruciating of detail.

Here on down. What is unclear?
I answered this question for you previously in the most excruciating of detail.

Here on down. What is unclear?
Well, partly because I forgot about that whole discussion, but I don't think I read anywhere what I was asking. I've seen some claim that HGB of 20 results in low tissue oxygenation as opposed to anything about clotting risk. I had a hgb of 20, my hct would be 55 based on the last results I've had with a MCV of 83 and MCHC of 36. Looking at that, the hct isn't great but won't kill me today, but if what is claimed about a hgb of 20 is true, I'm in trouble. So to me, it seems like both have their own risks it sounds like?
Htc average 56
Rbc avg mid 6.x
Hemoglobin avg mid 18.x
4 years no change. But no side effects at all
Blood pressure avg 105/65
Resting heart rate mid 50’s
Dosage and frequency makes no diff.
Lowest dosage ever was 80 mg a week, highest 230 mg a week. Currently on 175 mg a week, split EOD.
Htc average 56
Rbc avg mid 6.x
Hemoglobin avg mid 18.x
4 years no change. But no side effects at all
Blood pressure avg 105/65
Resting heart rate mid 50’s
Dosage and frequency makes no diff.
Lowest dosage ever was 80 mg a week, highest 230 mg a week. Currently on 175 mg a week, split EOD.
Wow. Those levels are pretty high, but I guess if it doesn't give any symptoms...
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