Nelson Vergel

Overall, 36 % of men reported current multivitamin use. Men who were older, current smokers, and currently using aspirin were 143, 43, and 74 % more likely to use multivitamins only. Men having a history of high cholesterol were 16 % more likely to use multivitamins only. A 14, 24, and 26 % greater likelihood of using multivitamins was also observed among men consuming more fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and tea, respectively. Similar associations were observed for the likelihood of using multivitamins with other supplements; however, men with higher physical activity, history of cancer, hypertension, higher consumption of nuts, and lower consumption of red meat and coffee were also more likely to use multivitamins with other supplements (all P < 0.05).
Who uses multivitamins? A cross-sectional study in the Physicians' Health Study.