Alb 46 g/l ref 35-50
Tsh(serum) 1.06 miul/l ref 0.4 - 3.8
Test total 23.2 nmol/l ref 10-32
Test free 304 pmol/l ref 160-700
Shgb 67 nmol/l ref 11-78
Prolactin 125 miul/l 40-450
Oestradiol 116 pmol/l ref 40-162
Fsh 2.4 iu/l 1-8
Lh 3.4 iu/l ref 1.6-8
been feeling not that good, some weeks I feel ok, normal, whereas some weeks feel bad, low libido. Used steroids almost 1 year ago, have improved my condition but still don't feel normal at all.
Tsh(serum) 1.06 miul/l ref 0.4 - 3.8
Test total 23.2 nmol/l ref 10-32
Test free 304 pmol/l ref 160-700
Shgb 67 nmol/l ref 11-78
Prolactin 125 miul/l 40-450
Oestradiol 116 pmol/l ref 40-162
Fsh 2.4 iu/l 1-8
Lh 3.4 iu/l ref 1.6-8
been feeling not that good, some weeks I feel ok, normal, whereas some weeks feel bad, low libido. Used steroids almost 1 year ago, have improved my condition but still don't feel normal at all.