My current protocol is HCG 250 twice per week and 62.5mg of Test Cypionate (Perrigo) shallow IM or sub Q in fat pads above glutes tue/fri. I use a 27g 1/2 inch syringe. I have received 3 sets of labs from this protocol. I have seen Total testosterone as high as 1074 and as low as 830. My E2 was climbing into the 40's as well. I have a prescribing TRT doctor, have consulted with Defy and had Dr. Crisler look over my protocol, and I also get labs through my PCP. I had to get a Hep B titer drawn for school so I had my PCP draw up a total testosterone and a sensitive estradial. Seemed like a waste to get poked for one titer so I had them throw those labs in. I am a little perplexed at my results.
Total Testosterone: 524 (348-1197)
sensitive Estradiol: 30 (8-35)
My last injection was Sub Q into fat pads above glutes on Friday of 62.5 mg. These labs were drawn on a Tuesday, four days after my last injection and BEFORE my Tuesday dose of Cypionate. I wanted to get a good trough level. I expected to not be in the 1000, but I did not expect to be back to my pre TRT baseline of 500's. I don't know if its the Perrigo Testosterone (insurance covers this brand). I have tried Watson in the past and received good numbers. My last previous two draws for total testosterone (march and April) were both taken on Mondays, three days after my last pin and both were above 1000 total testosterone. I cannot remember if I was using Watson or Perrigo. I was using the exact same protocol, syringes, and injection sites when my TT was in the 1000's three days after pinning. I don't know if its the Perrigo or what, but 500's is not right and takes further examination.
Just a note, my Perrigo testosterone my insurance covers comes in individual 1ml bottles for about a month to month and a half supply. I am wondering if maybe one of the bottles could be ineffective? I am clueless right now.
Total Testosterone: 524 (348-1197)
sensitive Estradiol: 30 (8-35)
My last injection was Sub Q into fat pads above glutes on Friday of 62.5 mg. These labs were drawn on a Tuesday, four days after my last injection and BEFORE my Tuesday dose of Cypionate. I wanted to get a good trough level. I expected to not be in the 1000, but I did not expect to be back to my pre TRT baseline of 500's. I don't know if its the Perrigo Testosterone (insurance covers this brand). I have tried Watson in the past and received good numbers. My last previous two draws for total testosterone (march and April) were both taken on Mondays, three days after my last pin and both were above 1000 total testosterone. I cannot remember if I was using Watson or Perrigo. I was using the exact same protocol, syringes, and injection sites when my TT was in the 1000's three days after pinning. I don't know if its the Perrigo or what, but 500's is not right and takes further examination.
Just a note, my Perrigo testosterone my insurance covers comes in individual 1ml bottles for about a month to month and a half supply. I am wondering if maybe one of the bottles could be ineffective? I am clueless right now.
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