So figuring this all out is tougher than I thought. My pcp was not very confidence inspiring and did not feel like my low t was an urgent issue. He advised I see an endocrinologist. It took me five months to get an appt with an endocrinologist, so I made the appointment, but went to a trt doc I found online. The trt group as a whole is great to deal with, but not very thorough. I finally had my appt with the endo today. She'd like an MRI, and some additional blood work to cover all the bases. I have no problem with that, but she definitely was not comfortable with my trt regimen. I didn't discuss it with her, but she certainly made it clear that she only prescribed testosterone gel, has never prescribed anostrozole or hcg. She also stressed that she did not feel trt should be continued long term due to the cardiovascular risks. I just nodded and went along with it. I was not there for her to treat me, just wanted to be sure there where no underlying reasons for my low t. I plan on following trough with the lab work and MRI. I know it's sort of common knowledge that most docs are clueless when it comes to trt, but it's frustrating none the less.
Sorry for the rant. I'm not sure what the point of this post is other than just needing to vent.
Sorry for the rant. I'm not sure what the point of this post is other than just needing to vent.