Testosterone Therapy Options and Basics- All You Need to Know

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Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com

You’ll learn about testosterone in general, how to increase it naturally, testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone boosters, treatments, anastrozole, erectile dysfunction and more.

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  1. Testosterone Basics & Questions
There are multiple ways you can increase testosterone levels naturally.

Getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night, exercising regularly and minimizing alcohol intake (no more than two drinks per day) can raise testosterone levels to 20%.

Losing weight also boosts testosterone production, so focus on reducing body fat if you’re currently overweight.

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1.1 How to Increase Testosterone Naturally

A patient diagnosed with low testosterone asked if he should get testosterone injections or gels as well as what to expect when it comes to sex drive and energy levels.

Based on multiple TRT studies published to date, Nelson replied that deciding between gels or injections is a matter of personal preference.

Also, improvements in quality of life appear after 3-4 weeks of TRT.

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  1. 2 Starting testosterone next week. What should I expect?
Learn everything you need to know about testosterone deficiency and how to treat it.

This topic also includes valuable information on how to inject testosterone, the risks of TRT, testosterone metabolites, blood tests used to measure T levels and more.

Nelson also provides an educational video on how to tell if your T level is too low.

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  1. 3 Learn Quickly About Testosterone Deficiency and Its Treatments
Find out more about testosterone production and the symptoms of hypogonadism.

The video in this topic also covers the clinical manifestations of testosterone deficiency, the anatomy of the reproductive system and more.

You’ll also learn about how sex hormones are synthesized and whether you’re a good candidate for TRT or not.

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  1. 4 Video: Testosterone production, action, and symptoms of hypogonadism
Explore the specific symptoms of hypogonadism and what are the conditions usually associated with this health problem.

Nelson offers a thorough guide on TRT, dosage, medication, testosterone blood tests, anastrozole and managing your key TRT variables.

The topic includes detailed information in the form of printable PDFs and videos you can watch for free.

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  1. 5 ExcelMale.com Guide to Testosterone Replacement
There are several testosterone boosters out there which have been proven effective.

Find out more about them in this topic and explore several scientific studies discussing natural testosterone boosters.

You’ll also find out more about erection pills and similar supplements.

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  1. 6 Do Testosterone Boosters Work?
Discover more about normal testosterone levels in male, the benefits of having optimal testosterone levels and the measurement units of testosterone in the US and Europe.

In this topic, Nelson also talks about testosterone fractions such as free T, total T, albumin-bound T and more.

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  1. 7 What is a Normal Blood Level of Testosterone?
Find out how low testosterone levels affect your overall health.

For example, T levels under 300 ng/dL can lead to weight gain. T levels under 250 ng/dL can affect sleep quality.

This topic also talks about low T levels and mortality in men.

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  1. 8 How Low is Too Low? Low Testosterone Health Risks
A forum member on ExcelMale.com asked why 200 mg/wk. is the upper limit of testosterone when doing TRT.

Nelson replied that higher dosages (over 200 mg/wk.) could increase hematocrit and decrease good HDL cholesterol levels.

Other users commented on this topic and shared their personal experiences with higher or lower doses of T during TRT.

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  1. 9 Why is 200 mg/wk. the “upper limit” for TRT?
Are you curious about how long it will take for TRT to be effective?

In this topic, Nelson provides a summary of studies which mention that positive effects on sexual interest appear after three weeks of beginning TRT.

Effects on lipids also show up after four weeks and reach peak effectiveness in about 6-12 months.

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  1. 10 How long does testosterone take to show effects?
Find out more about testosterone formulations, dosage information and how to administer them in this topic.

Nelson breaks down testosterone treatment options in T injections, oral capsules, T patches, pellets implanted under the skin, etc.

You’ll also learn about the costs associated with different testosterone treatment options.

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  1. 11 Testosterone Replacement Treatment Options
Want to know Nelson’s ten rules when it comes to testosterone? Find them out in this topic.

You’ll learn how to have reasonable expectations when it comes to testosterone, how to monitor your hematocrit and how to manage your TRT.

Nelson also talks about the ten common mistakes people make when using TRT.

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  1. 12 Nelson Vergel’s Top 10 Testosterone Commandments
Monitoring your key variables when using TRT is very important.

This topic teaches you how to identify essential blood test variables and how to manage them when they go out of normal ranges.

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  1. 13 Testosterone Replacement Monitoring Targets and Their Management
Prefer to learn with videos, not with articles?

This topic is for you then! It covers a large playlist of videos on YouTube created by Nelson Vergel.

Subjects discussed include everything from TRT, low T causes, HCG, anastrozole, HRT, weight loss, etc.

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  1. 14 Testosterone Replacement Videos from ExcelMale.com
A forum user asked a few questions on how to inject testosterone – intramuscularly or subcutaneously?

Nelson provides detailed answers to these questions such as injecting T at 90-degree angle directly into the muscle.

There are also multiple videos related to this subject.

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  1. 15 How to Inject Testosterone Intramuscularly, Shallow IM or Subcutaneously?
There are several blood tests needed to be done before and after using TRT.

Nelson provides links on his website DiscountedLabs.com where you can buy these tests at affordable prices and without requiring a doctor’s visit.

This topic also provides information on optimal lab work while doing TRT, ADAM questionnaire, safety tips, etc.

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  1. 16 Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Replacement Therapy
Finding a good doctor is paramount when using TRT.

Although a plethora of doctors in the US can provide valuable guidance for patients undergoing TRT, some of them are not fully trained in the management of TRT.

This topic gives you more information on how to find a good doctor regardless of your location.

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  1. 17 How to Find a Good Doctor that Prescribes Testosterone, HCG and Anastrozole
Patients who use TRT require certain supplements and accessories such as syringes, ED drugs, etc.

This topic provides a broad list of places from where you can get high-quality products safely and confidentially.

You’ll learn how and from where to buy blood tests, testosterone tests, etc.

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  1. 18 Where to find syringes, ED drugs, supplements, etc.
The following topic talks about low SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) values.

Nelson and other forum participants try to answer questions on why one would have low SHBG levels and how to increase that.

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  1. 19 How can one increase SHBG when it is too low?
Ever wondered what ADAM stands for? How about GnRH and HCG?

This topic covers a broad list of acronyms and what they mean.

It’s the ideal resource for new forum members who are not yet familiar with all the shortcuts used when talking about hormones and health in general.

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  1. 20 Let’s Start an Acronym List for New Members
Forum members discuss what testosterone dosage is enough to kickstart muscle gain.

Nelson replies that the common injected dosage would be 125 mg/wk. This is enough to warrant significant muscle gains in young males.

Other members also replied sharing their own experiences.

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  1. 21 What is the testosterone dose for muscle gain?
Alcohol’s influence on testosterone levels is a frequent subject of debate.

Nelson provides links to a plethora of studies which indicate that excessive alcohol consumption can affect semen quality and free T.

Too much alcohol can also affect the Leydig cells which are responsible for producing testosterone in the testicles.

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  1. 22 Effect of Alcohol on Testosterone Blood Level
Read a success story of a 55-year old forum member who used testosterone as a cream and had amazing results with it.

The Testosterone Cream Protocol raised this man’s total T level to around 1100 ng/dL.

Nelson and other forum members reply to this topic and share personal experiences.

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  1. 23 Successful Story with Testosterone Cream Protocol
Want to try TRT for the first time? You probably have a lot of questions in your mind.

This topic teaches you how to set the tone for the first visit with a doctor when discussing TRT.

Nelson instructs you to ask questions such as “how many people do you treat for hypogonadism?” or “do you share blood work results?”, etc.

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  1. 24 What questions to ask a new TRT physician
There are numerous types of testosterone drugs out there, and they have certain interactions with your body.

Such drugs include Abarelix, Ambrisentan, Atazanavir, and Conivaptan, to name a few.

Nelson explains how these T drugs interact with the human body and how to use them.

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  1. 25 Testosterone Drug Interactions
Find out the relationship between different testosterone formulations such as injections or gels and weight loss.

Nelson presents a scientific paper which talks about testosterone use and weight loss in both obese and people with normal weight.

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  1. 26 Testosterone and weight loss: the evidence
Discover the differences between different carrier oils of testosterone cypionate.

Some forum members use grapeseed oil; others use cottonseed or sesame oil. They share their personal experiences and exchange pieces of advice.

Nelson also participates in this topic and shares links to valuable information on testosterone cypionate and oils.

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  1. 27 Testosterone Cypionate Carrier Oils – Differences
LH (luteinizing hormone) and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels are expected to drop as a result of starting testosterone replacement therapy.

According to a paper published in 1997, these hormones become undetectable approximately two weeks after starting testosterone injections.

Nelson provides links to scientific papers which back up these claims.

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  1. 28 How long before T, LH and FSH endogenous production shuts down after starting testosterone?
Testosterone gels are quite common and used by numerous TRT patients.

These gels are usually applied on shoulders to facilitate absorption into the body. This topic talks about the absorption process and what you can do to increase its efficiency.

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  1. 29 Factors that Can Improve Testosterone Gel Absorption
Find out how to manage some of the side effects of testosterone replacement therapy by watching Dr. Saya’s videos on this topic.

Dr. Saya talks about how to overcome the challenges with weight management and how to deal with acne, high red blood cells or high estradiol caused by TRT.

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  1. 30 Dr. Saya’s Videos on Testosterone, HRT, and Weight Loss
Track the effects of TRT easier using the TRT Analyzer app!

This app is free to download on App Store or Google Play, and it comes packed with useful information and methods to measure the progress of your TRT.

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  1. 31 Free TRT Analyzer App to Track Your Progress
Testosterone as a substance is heavily controlledby the Drug Enforcement Agency in the US, and each patient who wants to use TRT must know the Federal and State Regulations when it comes to testosterone and HCG.

This includes all testosterone formulations such as gels, patches, pellets, nasal, buccal or injections.

Nelson educates forum members on testosterone prescribing requirements and provides links to valuable resources.

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  1. 32 US Federal and State Regulations on Testosterone and HCG
Is your testosterone level low, but have troubles getting covered by your insurance company?

This is a problem faced by several patients who contemplate getting on TRT.

Nelson helps by providing links to compound pharmacies which can create testosterone injections or creams at affordable prices and without requiring a doctor’s visit.

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  1. 33 My Testosterone is Low, But Insurance Does Not Want to Pay
Numerous testosterone myths are circulating on the internet.

Dr. Abraham Morgentaler, a Clinical Professor at Harvard Medical School, debunks some of the most common myths in a video posted on this topic.

You’ll also find out important facts about testosterone, HCG, Trimix, etc.

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  1. 34 Testosterone Experts Debunk Common Myths
What’s better for muscle gain and overall strength – injecting testosterone or applying it as a gel?

This topic summarizes a paper which compares the two. The result? Injecting testosterone directly into the muscle can lead to increased muscle growth and strength, compared to T gels.

Forum members also share their personal experiences on this subject.

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  1. 35 Testosterone Injections Increase Muscle and Strength Better than T gels
Check out Nelson’s new website – Testosterone Wisdom - Best Men's Health and Testosterone Education Site

This website is a repository of information on various subjects such as anabolic drugs, testosterone, prostatitis, exercises for the upper body and more.

Feel free to join and subscribe to this website to stay updated with Nelson’s latest tips.

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  1. 36 TestosteroneWisdom.com New Site
A forum member asked the question if it is possible to build a tolerance to testosterone when doing TRT.

Nelson and other forum members share their opinions providing links and stories from personal experience.

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  1. 37 Do you tend to build up a tolerance to testosterone TRT?
Traveling internationally with TRT meds in your bag isn’t a problem, but you should be careful to have all the required documentation with you.

This topic talks about flying into another country with TRT meds in your luggage.

Nelson and other forum members share their personal stories and experiences about this subject.

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  1. 38 International travel with TRT meds
If you are looking for direct-to-consumer blood tests to check your health, you can find affordable ones on Nelson’s DiscountedLabs.com website.

You can also get a small discount by visiting this topic and using the code mentioned there by Nelson.

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  1. 39 Registered Members: Use this code when placing an order on DiscountedLabs.com
TRT is known to come with some side effects, but these can be managed if you have the required information.

In this topic, you’ll find a PDF file containing valuable insight on how to manage TRT side effects.

You’ll also learn how to find blood test targets and monitor your TRT more effectively.

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  1. 40 PRINT TABLES: Blood Test Targets and How to Manage Side Effects of TRT
Download “Testosterone: A Man’s Guide” book written by Nelson Vergel!

This topic contains a download link which is available in 197 countries.

You can also get the book in paper or Kindle form from Amazon.com.

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  1. 41 Testosterone: A Man’s Guide Now Available for Download in 197 Countries
Find everything you need to know about testosterone pellets.

These pellets can be implanted under the skin and ensure a steady absorption of testosterone. They are more suitable for people who are afraid of needles or simply can’t remember to take their testosterone meds.

You’ll also learn about buccal testosterone tablets.

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  1. 42 Testosterone Pellets, Sublingual and Buccal (Mouth)
Calculating your free and bioavailable testosterone can be done easily using an online calculator.

Visit this link to calculate your T fractions – Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator

Nelson also provides a link which helps you convert testosterone measurement units from imperial to metric.

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  1. 43 Calculating Free & Bioavailable Testosterone
The free testosterone and albumin-bound testosterone make up for about 40% of a man’s total testosterone levels.

These T fractions are available for use as the need arises in the body (such as for building muscle).

In this topic, Nelson talks about a paper written by Lee Meyer who provides tips on how to increase free testosterone.

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  1. 44 How to decrease SHBG and increase free testosterone
Testosterone is expressed using mg, pg or similar measurement units in the US.

In Europe and other countries, testosterone can be mentioned in mmoles, micromoles and so on.

Nelson provides a few valuable links which will help you convert your T units from imperial to metric and vice versa.

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  1. 45 How to convert mmol/L to mg/dl or pg/mL (or vice-versa) of different hormones
Nelson Vergel gives lectures around the country on how to increase testosterone levels and overall quality of life.

This topic includes a link to multiple slides created by Nelson. The slides cover multiple subjects including exercise, diet, supplementation and more.

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  1. 46 Boosting Sexual Function in Aging Men- A Handout
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