This perfectly sums up behavior during COVID. There was overwhelming low T behavior on display.
uh? you mean everyone working towards a goal vs being selfish? which is better? how does society become more civil? everyone going to front of the line cause they feel like it?
the "I do what i want when i want" sounds a bit like a toddler no?
at any rate, excess deaths are 15% higher at the moment during this covid wave(despite low acute covid deaths).. weirdly enough 2 heart attacks in teh family 3-4 months after infection this winter, 2 last winter.... these arent just old people, cancers are up in children(plenty of papers on the actual mechanisms covid causes various cancers, after nurse sister who works in pediatrics was like "this is crazy so much kids cancer last 2 years", so i looked into it, and appears now that its not just less diagnosing 3 years ago), respiratory issues with kids born to moms who got covid while pregnant. heck even ~50% of children get abnormal EKG or elevated tropanan levels post infection ie heart damage... unlike the flu that you catch once every 5-7 years kids are getting covid 2 times a year...
anyway, its a philosophy debate is it ok to shorten peoples lives because you want to go on your vacation because "its just a cold".
be a high T stoic, it takes higher evolved, higher intellect humans to not do things impulsively and live in large society civilly. interesting enough (yes vax debate is another story), folks who didnt get vaccinated were more likely to crash their cars(this is from insurance company statistics when were thinking to possibly raise rates on unvaxed, which of course would of been a bit crazy).
I will leave with this, depending on how far you are in your beliefs... why did china spend millions trying to get americans not to worry about covid? lead sponsor of FAR RIGHT news EPOC TIMES is chinese. why did china loose TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS to protect its most valuable resource, its people? they def studied the virus or similar the longest, did they not? It was not for control purposes locking down china, if anything it was a net loss for control.. so pretty clearly they know long term consequences and is much more talked about vs america where MSM is sponsored by companies who dont want u to think about covid so you spend more $$$.. If you are afraid of vaccine spike proteins, remember infections give you MORE spike proteins for longer, aswell as get more antibodies from infection, unfortunately many of antibodies for covid are what cause the damage... part of why obese people keep antibodies longer IMO as teh body has a harder time removing the "bad" antibodies.. bit off topic lol, but do encourage folks to actually read some papers and will help explain why DRs dont want people to keep catching covid, similar to why they dont want folks to catch flu as even the flu gives young men carditis ~48%, but again get the flu FAR less often, there is a reason risk of all cause mortality goes up after each and every infection, and from personal experience of how many strokes and heart attacks in past 18 months esp within that magic window of 3-6 months after covid it doesn't seem to be small risk, sure perhaps they would of eventually had a heart attack but 10-15 years later... it will be in the next 5 or more years before we even start to get an idea of the fallout from this virus, maybe not until the 3yo are 30yo... so in the interim i encourage folks to live life, but also take reasonable precautions to not contract or spread.
if it was a catch it once and ur good type of virus that would be one thing, but its not. more infections, more spike protein = more inflammation, heart damage kidney liver damage and infact even brain damage as covid actually infects neurons and why folks get brain fog and loss of smell, its not inflammation as they once thought.
anyone can inject T and be reckless like a teenager, that is not difficult, mind fullness being stoic is harder though as you regulate impulsive instincts. ie freddie mercury and AIDS. ITs MUCH easier to forget covid is a thing and that its over, thats easy, its harder to mindful. anyway, it will take a few more years when folks see more and more friends have weird shit happen and realize, wait, maybe, just maybe its viral related. I know some folks like to blame a vaccine with measured dose of spike proteins 3-4 years ago, and to blame someone (trump for his warp speed vax for example) than take accountability that its far more likely from repeat infection of covid, and only people can really make a difference. its just so funny people who have no idea, say oh phizer made an extra 35 billion the year vax came out therefore teh reason for XYZ, the american fed gov gives away several BILLION EVERYDAY (ie 100s of billions per year), JUST in INTEREST on their debt, and then pay more interest on the debt the interest causes.... be more concerned who is getting THAT money as its far FAR more and JUST growing and essentially disappearing americas wealth into powerful peoples bank accounts.. than an extra 35 billion, thats basically nothing on a global scale... thats not to say no corruption, but we need to be realistic in what governments will do for what $ as that extra 35 billion was over every country not just USA. ie gov isnt going to shut economy down spend billions more just so phizer gets MAYBE 10bil from USA.. esp at the time the amount saved just on hospitals because of vax it would of been worth far far more nevermind allowing things to reopen without complete hospital collapse.