What's a normal amount of fluctuation in Hematocrit and Testosterone 6 months apart while keeping the dose and protocol the same? Testosterone Cypionate only.
A year ago I lowered my dose, at the 6 month mark hematocrit came back at 50.6 and total T at 600. At the 1 year mark hematocrit came back at 46.3 and T at 400. Both labs were taken at the same time relative to my last injection. Is this unusual?
I've made small improvements in my health like not drinking as much alcohol, exercising more, drinking more water, eating more grapefruit.
All things considered, I am surprised by the change in lab results.
A year ago I lowered my dose, at the 6 month mark hematocrit came back at 50.6 and total T at 600. At the 1 year mark hematocrit came back at 46.3 and T at 400. Both labs were taken at the same time relative to my last injection. Is this unusual?
I've made small improvements in my health like not drinking as much alcohol, exercising more, drinking more water, eating more grapefruit.
All things considered, I am surprised by the change in lab results.