But I gained experience being on my own after the first injection by a doctor in Bangkok. When your first experience is with a doctor 7000 miles away, you are pretty much on your own after you leave the country. It's not like I can jump on a plane and fly for 24 hours spending $1000 just on airfare to get another injection. And it's not like they are going to ship a vial of testosterone from a hospital in Thailand to some foreigner in the USA. They don't do any sort of telemedicine, I am not even sure they would sell a vial to take out of the hospital.
So I don't know if I would be confident starting TRT and the need for TRT had I not already experienced the difference testosterone makes.
I am also in thailand and basically doing it on my own. I get full labs done in vietnam every 3 months to get virtually everything tested from thyroid, hormones, liver etc etc is about $100usd. I see no problem as long as you are vigilant and make sure your estrogen does not get out of control.
I got Nebido injected at a hospital, I think if you would have a difficult time finding it at a pharmacia in Thailand, it's too expensive to stock and the locals wouldn't want to pay for it.
It seems like in Thailand the doctor might only charge $40 for an appointment, but they will charge like $300 for the med and injection. I get the impression the doctor really makes money that way. Nebido should cost something like $130 per vial, even cheaper if you are a native of Mexico.
I did ask the doctor to write me a prescription that I could use to import Nebido, usually from London. That worked OK, but the script is only valid for 6 months. Once I did buy it from Israel without a script, it tends to cost twice as much.
I think natives can buy most testosterone esters like sustanon without a script, but the pharmacia doesn't want to sell to a tourist and get in trouble with the Government. At least that's the impression I got.
It's hard to get a read on what the exact law is about drug prescriptions concerning testosterone, and Thai English forums don't want to talk about it.
Everyone in Thailand stays away from drawing any attention from the Government. Saying anything negative about the King will land you in jail, even negative restaurant/ movie reviews get people in trouble.
I was able to locate some sort of testosterone capsules for sale, but I didn't want to go that route, didn't trust them and IMO they don't work that well.
I can buy clomid without a script, antibiotics / ED meds are a breeze to buy. I know Western men that live there buy testosterone, but not sure how.
You can buy everything at a pharmacy in thailand without a script. But I also have a script that lasts 6 months. If you were to go it alone do a TON of research first and you should be fine.
I get absolutely everything tested, Even stuff I am just curious about lol as it is so cheap
Normally get
Free Testosterone
Free T3,T4
Then sometimes I get stuff like
hbA1c to see if i am becoming diabetic
Tumor marker tests to make sure no tumors
Vitamin tests like b12, D to see if i am low in vitamins.
Once you have learned the essentials, about a year of study, and done your own testing "transfer" in to a new primary care doc. List your current meds on the intake. At the close of your new pt visit where you have discussed any health concern except TRT your new doc will ask you what Rx needs to be filled. As long as your subsequent labs and follow-ups demonstrate that your protocol is working he should continue to renew your Rx.
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