Splitting an AI (anstrazole capsule)

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Hi, my E2 Sensitive is 55, 27 hours after the testcyp Injection and 51 hours after an HCG. dr at Defy gave me 0.50 mg AI capsule and I don't want to use all 0.50 as a matter of fact I want to start low, may be 0.25 mg. I have two questions:-

1- how can I split a capsule, anyone with experience? Can I just open the capsule and swallow half of it with water?

2- If I take AI during the day of TestCYp injection. Injection in the morning, AI at night, will it immediately lower my E2? I want to test my E2 the next day in the morning.

3- my T levels are 700 when my e2 is 55. Will AI Make it go higher?

4- I take 60 mg TestCYp on Tuesday and Friday and 350iu HCG the day before each injection. Will more frequent injections of TestCYp and HCG help me lower E2 naturally without and AI, if yes how should the regime look like? Anyone with some expereince?
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hi, my E2 Sensitive is 55, 27 hours after the testcyp Injection and 51 hours after an HCG. dr at Defy gave me 0.50 mg AI capsule and I don't want to use all 0.50 as a matter of fact I want to start low, may be 0.25 mg. I have two questions:-

1- how can I split a capsule, anyone with experience? Can I just open the capsule and swallow half of it with water?

2- If I take AI during the day of TestCYp injection. Injection in the morning, AI at night, will it immediately lower my E2? I want to test my E2 the next day in the morning.

3- my T levels are 700 when my e2 is 55. Will AI Make it go higher?

4- I take 60 mg TestCYp on Tuesday and Friday and 350iu HCG the day before each injection. Will more frequent injections of TestCYp and HCG help me lower E2 naturally without and AI, if yes how should the regime look like? Anyone with some expereince?

Is it too late to change your script to .25mg capsules? Mine should be arriving today. How often were you told to dose the .50mg? I am supposed to take .25mg EOD, but I might start out at twice a week.
I already have it so I have to find a way to split. Can I just swallow half of the powder?

I was asked to take it the day of TestCYp injection.
I get compounded scored tablets of 0.07MG. I can dose down to 0.035MG a day. I only need a very little anastrozole to keep my E2 in the sweet spot. I get it from a pharmacy (with a script) in Florida shipped to me. No fuss.... no mess.... From 0.5MG a week down to only 0.035MG a week and all the combinations in between:)
Eddydb, what symptoms are you taking it for?
I have pains and high BP and am lethargic.

High E2 and SHBG from BW. No real symptoms yet, so I am going to take less than I was prescribed. Like you I am trying to start low. How often are you supposed to take the .5mg capsule?
I'm very surprised that Dr Saya would prescribe a half milligram, that's a pretty high dose. Nonetheless you can of course split it down. Small scale and wiegh it out, divide by half, or a quarter. You can make a liquid using Vodka and dissolve to capsules of drug (1mg) with 1mL of Vodka. Then its as simple as .25ml = .25mg. Or less, if you want.
Fwiw, what are compounded scored tablets? Do you take HCG and TestCYp, if yes how frequently? I take 60mg TestCYp e3d(Tuesday and Friday) and 350iu HCG the day before TestCYp. 0.035MG / week is very low if it works.
Vince, can I do it in distilled water instead and do I have to store the liquid in the fridge or can it be outside?
I ask for standard tablets for this very reason. Dr Saya gives me a hard time(in a fun way) about cutting my pills but in case I feel something in my body and have to make a slight adjustment then I can when I cut my pills as needed. I would def ask to change to regular tablets when you get your refill.
Tablets are 1/2 inch in dia and scored so that they can be broken in 1/2. I am on 10% compounded "T" cream. I use 1/2 mil per day. Started HCG at 125IU per day. I started the compounded "A" tabs at 0.15MG per tab (that would be 1.05MG per week at one tab per day). I had the DR write the script for 0.07MG so I could titrate down to what was right for me. I take 0.035MG E3D and that keeps my E2 in the sweet spot for me. Crestview Pharmacy 877-821-5504 if you want to call them and ask any questions. The 0.035MG dose is small, but if you are trying to spread out a dose of say....0.25MG per week you would take 1/2 of a tab each day (0.035MG/day gives you 0.245MG/week). Works for me....
Orrin and superman

Let's see if I get this right.
I ll ask dr Saya to give me scored tablets where each tablet is 0.07 mg, right? But how does half of it make 0.245MG? Sorry if I am not getting that right.
No... No.... I am NOT telling you to ask Dr S for compounded scored tablets of "A". I was just pointing out to all that there are different ways to get "A" and different ways to dose "A". I happen to have found a compounding pharmacy that makes compounded scored tablets of "A" based on the script written by a DR. I find it easier to take it that way than trying to divide up a capsule of powder or to dissolve the "A" in a solvent and figure it out that way. Now for the math class:) If you take a 0.07MG tablet and cut it in a 1/2 than each 1/2 will be 0.035MG. 0.035MG times 2 = 0.07MG per whole tablet. If you take 1/2 a tablet each day for a week then you are taking 0.035MG per day times 7 days for a total weekly dose of 0.245MG. NOW REMEMBER THAT STANDARD SCRIPT "A" COMES IN 1MG TABLETS (PILLS). Some people USE A PILL CUTTER OR OTHER MEANS TO TRY AND DO WHAT I GET DONE WITH COMPOUNDED "A" TABLETS. I do not have the muss and fuss of trying to split a SMALL 1MG pill into 1/4's or whatever. You could ask DR S about this option and see if their compounding pharmacy can compound different strength tablets, and if not give him the phone number to Crestview and have him talk with them.
BTW for those that are "old school" and like splitting the 1MG "A" pills ck the price at Costco mail order pharmacy on-line. CHEAP.... CHEAP..... CHEAP... Almost like giving it away free with a script and you do not have to be a Costco member to utilizer their mail order pharmacy.
Does "A" mean anstrazole/armmidex?
YEP.... If I recall one is the generic name and the other is the trade / Brand name. Both the same stuff:) My bottle says ANASTROZOLE ON IT.
Is Crestview in Florida?
YEP.... Panhandle, near Pensacola and they do ship out of Florida. I live in Alabama and they ship to me. You would have to ck if they ship to your state.
Orrin, thanks. You probably can tell that I am very new.

Now I have 0.50 mg capsules. If I were to use them, can I? Can I put them in a liquid, what kind, can I use distilled water? But can I use a dropper that have less than scale like 0.07mg?
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From Vince above:
"You can make a liquid using Vodka and dissolve to capsules of drug (1mg) with 1mL of Vodka. Then its as simple as .25ml = .25mg. Or less, if you want."

Go to Wal-Mart and ask the pharmacy folks for a 1ML child's oral syringe. It will have gradations from 0.1 to 1.0. If your caps are 0.5mg and you mix with 1ML high proof vodka, or other spirit, than you can titrate also. In this case each 0.1ML would be equal to 0.05MG of "A" per 0.1ML. So 0.5ML on the syringe would be equal to 0.25MG "A".
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