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Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel


1.Remove any of the agents or treat the condition, which lead to elevated SHBG. In some cases it may be difficult to identify the cause of elevated SHBG.

2.Use anti-aromatase meds such as Anastrazole, Letrazol, if E2 is elevated,

3.Stop smoking and/or abusing alcohol,

4.Increase protein intake, if low. Avoid soy, which is an incomplete protein,

5.Avoid plant estrogenic herbs and foods,

6.Use androgens like natural T if medically indicated,

7.Increase intake of Omega-3 fish oils (EPA/DHA) consumption to about EPA=1.2 to 1.4 gram and DHA= 1.0 to 2 gram

8.Nettle root (Ulrica urens) in highly concentrated extracts can be effective in binding to SHBG and thereby displacing T and DHT from SHBG and into the free form for cell use. Potent Nettle root concentrates also can act as a 5-alpha reluctance inhibitor, which can partially inhibit the conversion of T to DHT and overall decrease SHBG levels.

9.Artificial progesterones like Norgestrol, Noresthisterone can reduce SHBG. That is bad idea since these androgenic like progestin's can lower the good HDL cholesterol and produce negative mood effects in men.

Note from Nelson: Danazol is also prescribed off label by some doctors to lower SHBG.

Some of the conditions that can lead to increased SHBG, include:

1.Testicular cancer is the most common cancer of young men. This is the cancer cyclist Lance Armstrong had.

2.Breast cancer. Even men can get it, if they have gynecomastia (gyno) – male breast growth. It is estimated that maybe 3 % of men with gyno develop breast cancer. A male with gyno and elevated SHBG should have mammographic and other evaluation for possible breast cancer. Mild gyno can often be treated with meds such as Tamoxifen and Aromatase Inhibitors. If gyno persists and gets larger then surgical removal is my suggestion. I have seen too many men suffer mentally and physically for too long from gyno.

3.Elevated Estradiol levels from various causes such as increased body fat, excess alcohol usage, liver damage, exposure to Estrogen, medications and other agents.

4.Extremely elevated thyroid levels such as in Grave's disease. This can be treated medically usually and occasionally surgically.

5.Aging. It is not clear why aging causes elevation of SHBG and lower free Testosterone, but likely causes can be inflammatory signals along with age associated disregulated physiological events. Aging is associated with lower androgens (Testosterone) in men even with normal physiologic aging, which can lead to increased SHBG. Administration of Testosterone decreases SHBG levels.

6.Extreme weight loss such as seen in anorexia nervosa.

7.Low protein diets. SHBG is increased in vegans usually from a plant based low whole protein diets. Not many pure vegans are very muscular.
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