Serious Low E2 Symptoms. Could Progesterone be the cause? How to lower it?

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has anyone ever used Pregnenolone with a too high dose and had side effects which could stem from high progesterone? If yes, and you stopped using it, how long till you felt better?

Is there a way to lower Progesterone,. as I believe it either lowers my e2 or blocks it from binding to receptors, so raising T dose, using some of my leftover T gel all that doesn t work to raise E2.
I also got topical E2 here but either its fake and doesnt contain any E2 or my e2 receptors are blocked cause its the second day of putting on 2-5mg woth of pure e2 on my skin and it doesnt do anything.

I guess its the 100mg pregnenolone and its conversion to progesterone that are the cause for all that.
I took the last capsule 5 days ago but I still feel like shit. How long would progesterone stay elevated and is there any way to manually lower it?

Low e2 is hell. I literally "try to get gyno". (not really but I want to raise my e2 so bad, i dont care if i overshoot the target and get high e2)
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The thing with pregnenolone while on trt that I do not like is the fact that it takes LH to convert it efficiently into progesterone and dhea. I believe the feelings you have are likely due to pregnenolone converting mostly into pregnenolone sulfate which is an excitory neurosteroid at the nmda receptor. I would take progesterone and dhea to more rapidly clear the pregnenolone s.
I only exclusively use progesterone and dhea due to this.
I believe Progesterone and dhea do not need LH to convert into the rest of the downstream metabolites.
The thing with pregnenolone while on trt that I do not like is the fact that it takes LH to convert it efficiently into progesterone and dhea. I believe the feelings you have are likely due to pregnenolone converting mostly into pregnenolone sulfate which is an excitory neurosteroid at the nmda receptor. I would take progesterone and dhea to more rapidly clear the pregnenolone s.
I only exclusively use progesterone and dhea due to this.
I believe Progesterone and dhea do not need LH to convert into the rest of the downstream metabolites.

On any dose of cream to the scrotum, LH is pretty much unaffected, as confirmed by blood tests.
Which is unsurprising, the cream is T no ester, and the absence of a continuous influx of T preserves the hypotalamus activity.
On any dose of cream to the scrotum, LH is pretty much unaffected, as confirmed by blood tests.
Which is unsurprising, the cream is T no ester, and the absence of a continuous influx of T preserves the hypotalamus activity.
I doubt this is common at reasonable doses. The half-life may not even be much less than that of testosterone propionate, which easily suppresses the HPTA.
Image 6-10-21 at 8.27 PM.jpg

Pharmacokinetics of testosterone cream applied to scrotal skin

I doubt this is common at reasonable doses. The half-life may not even be much less than that of testosterone propionate, which easily suppresses the HPTA.
View attachment 14632

I'm speaking from personal experience after playing for 2 years with testosterone creams and TNE homemade preparations, and spending thousands of dollars in lab tests just for my curiosity.
At every single point in time and even ungodly high doses, my LH and FSH remained largely unaffected.

I never used any ester forms or injected any AAS, so I can't have this baseline as a comparison to know if I'm a rare individual whose LH and FSH remain unaffected no matter what.
I'm speaking from personal experience after playing for 2 years with testosterone creams and TNE homemade preparations, and spending thousands of dollars in lab tests just for my curiosity.
At every single point in time and even ungodly high doses, my LH and FSH remained largely unaffected.

I never used any ester forms or injected any AAS, so I can't have this baseline as a comparison to know if I'm a rare individual whose LH and FSH remain unaffected no matter what.
I think these results do make you a rare individual. Guys should not get their hopes up that scrotal delivery is the ticket to preserving HPTA function. With transdermal testosterone in general the skin is acting as a reservoir, so there still is a "continuous influx of T". What trough serum testosterone levels do you see? If you've maintained LH and FSH even with relatively high trough testosterone then your situation is all the more peculiar.
I think these results do make you a rare individual. Guys should not get their hopes up that scrotal delivery is the ticket to preserving HPTA function. With transdermal testosterone in general the skin is acting as a reservoir, so there still is a "continuous influx of T". What trough serum testosterone levels do you see? If you've maintained LH and FSH even with relatively high trough testosterone then your situation is all the more peculiar.

With my homemade DMSO + testosterone base solution I see troughs at around 1800ng/dl 12h after application.
With the cream, 3 clicks AM and 3 clicks PM gets me around 1200ng/dl 12h after application.
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I’m not entirely convinced about the lack of Hpta shutdown through all of this exogenous hormone use, especially with topical application without dmso.

however, I think that dmso may act like the natesto. The dmso may not allow the testosterone to stay in the skin but rather rapidly circulate it like the nasal application that preserves hpta function.

im not going to some off my daily 6.5 mg of enanthate to experiment at this point. But I will replace the 3mg of propionate I take daily with Test base in dmso.

Just got my dmso in the mail. I’m starting with dheas in dmso. I was going to inject dheas but could not figure out how to get it in a stable solution for injection.

thank you for your input. I’m looking forward to experimenting with hormones in dmso.

what is the lowest dose of test base dmso you’ve tried and for how long? And also how it went in terms of your male health?
... I’m looking forward to experimenting with hormones in dmso.
The problem with DMSO is that it really bothers some people. Many years ago I had no problems with topical application of finasteride in DMSO. But then I had a girlfriend who complained about the weird taste and smell she'd experience from it even without direct contact, so I gave it up.
I’m not entirely convinced about the lack of Hpta shutdown through all of this exogenous hormone use, especially with topical application without dmso.

however, I think that dmso may act like the natesto. The dmso may not allow the testosterone to stay in the skin but rather rapidly circulate it like the nasal application that preserves hpta function.

im not going to some off my daily 6.5 mg of enanthate to experiment at this point. But I will replace the 3mg of propionate I take daily with Test base in dmso.

Just got my dmso in the mail. I’m starting with dheas in dmso. I was going to inject dheas but could not figure out how to get it in a stable solution for injection.

thank you for your input. I’m looking forward to experimenting with hormones in dmso.

what is the lowest dose of test base dmso you’ve tried and for how long? And also how it went in terms of your male health?

I take my DMSO + test on and off, nothing consistant.
I add it add as a preworkout boost to my cream when I want huge pumps.
post #78/79/80
The problem with DMSO is that it really bothers some people. Many years ago I had no problems with topical application of finasteride in DMSO. But then I had a girlfriend who complained about the weird taste and smell she'd experience from it even without direct contact, so I gave it up.
I’ve heard of this smell issue also. From what I’ve gathered, it is related to the quality of dmso. The dmso I bought from Amazon is supposedly 99.9% pure with lots of good reviews and it does not smell so far. I just dissolved in dmso and applied 5mg of dheas to forearms. I kind of want to dissolve a tiny bit of dhea in it but I’m going to run this for 2 weeks and get bloods.

Next I will try it with progesterone. I haven’t decided whether to do 50/50 inject and topical with progesterone or just try 100% of my 1mg dose topically. I’m assuming a disproportionate amount of allopregnenolone conversion conversion if going exclusively topical. So like my testosterone, maybe I inject enough for normal serum. And then whatever I want to spike or have convert at a higher rate with 5ar use topically in dmso.

possibly will try tiny amounts of pregnenolone in dmso in the future but I’m not sure yet.
I’ve heard of this smell issue also. From what I’ve gathered, it is related to the quality of dmso....
I'm thinking it was more the taste issue, which appears to occur with the pure substance.

DMSO has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a garlic-like taste in the mouth after contact with the skin.
The perceived garlic taste upon skin contact with DMSO may be due to nonolfactory activation of TRPA1 receptors in trigeminal ganglia. Unlike dimethyl and diallyl disulfide (also with odors resembling garlic), the mono- and tri- sulfides (typically with foul odors), and other similar structures, the pure chemical DMSO is odorless.
I'm thinking it was more the taste issue, which appears to occur with the pure substance.

DMSO has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a garlic-like taste in the mouth after contact with the skin.
The perceived garlic taste upon skin contact with DMSO may be due to nonolfactory activation of TRPA1 receptors in trigeminal ganglia. Unlike dimethyl and diallyl disulfide (also with odors resembling garlic), the mono- and tri- sulfides (typically with foul odors), and other similar structures, the pure chemical DMSO is odorless.

Same as smell, when it's 99.99% pure there is no smell nor taste issue.
It only happens with lower quality products.
I tasted it ever so slightly with mine because I was looking to taste it obviously but it was hardly noticeable at 1/4 ml (5 drops).
I'm thinking it was more the taste issue, which appears to occur with the pure substance.

DMSO has the unusual property that many individuals perceive a garlic-like taste in the mouth after contact with the skin.
The perceived garlic taste upon skin contact with DMSO may be due to nonolfactory activation of TRPA1 receptors in trigeminal ganglia. Unlike dimethyl and diallyl disulfide (also with odors resembling garlic), the mono- and tri- sulfides (typically with foul odors), and other similar structures, the pure chemical DMSO is odorless.

also, strangely, libido has not been affected but morning wood and erectile quality has improved drastically from 3-5mg twice daily dheas administration in dmso. (1mg per drop)
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has anyone ever used Pregnenolone with a too high dose and had side effects which could stem from high progesterone? If yes, and you stopped using it, how long till you felt better?

Is there a way to lower Progesterone,. as I believe it either lowers my e2 or blocks it from binding to receptors, so raising T dose, using some of my leftover T gel all that doesn t work to raise E2.
I also got topical E2 here but either its fake and doesnt contain any E2 or my e2 receptors are blocked cause its the second day of putting on 2-5mg woth of pure e2 on my skin and it doesnt do anything.

I guess its the 100mg pregnenolone and its conversion to progesterone that are the cause for all that.
I took the last capsule 5 days ago but I still feel like shit. How long would progesterone stay elevated and is there any way to manually lower it?

Low e2 is hell. I literally "try to get gyno". (not really but I want to raise my e2 so bad, i dont care if i overshoot the target and get high e2)
Hey man, I’ve the same issue, are you fine now? I’m experiencing low e2 sides with actually high e2 on the bloodwork
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