I’ve seen various accounts of men on TRT with deficient levels of progesterone -- many of whom had normal levels prior to treatment. LH is important for leydig cholesterol -> pregnenolone conversion, and also for adrenal steroidogenesis. HPTA suppression and the subsequent absence of LH is suggested to play a causative role in TRT-induced progesterone deficiency.
Progesterone is an extremely important hormone. It acts as the precursor to cortisol and aldosterone, it acts as an androgen and estrogen antagonist, and it competitively inhibits 5-ar dependent reduction of testosterone -> dht.
The symptoms of low progesterone will be familiar to many of you here:
• Erectile dysfunction
• Memory loss
• Hair loss
• Absent libido
• Fatigue
• Depression and Anxiety
A study of 1056 men displayed that mean serum progesterone levels in healthy males was 1.21 nmol/L ± 0.41 SD. They also found that progesterone does not seem to decline with age.
My own progesterone levels are extremely low, and I believe this is contributing to my declining health and poor response to TRT. My levels are as follows:
Progesterone: 0.445 (Range: 0.64 - 4.7) nmol/L.
My levels are roughly three times lower than the mean levels displayed in the above study. Moreover, their given standard deviation suggests that my progesterone levels represent an extreme outlier.
I'm curious to hear the progesterone levels of the men on this board. If you've had your levels tested prior to TRT, I'd really appreciate if you would post those as well. Please also include whether or not you use HCG, pregnenolone, progesterone or DHEA. Thanks in advance.
Anabolic steroids and TRT decrease SHBG, DHEA, pregnenolone and progesterone in men.
Response of serum testosterone and its precursor steroids, SHBG and CBG to anabolic steroid and testosterone self-administration in man. Ruokonen A, et al. J Steroid Biochem. 1985. Abstract The influence of high doses of testosterone and anabolic steroids on testicular endocrine function...

Progesterone is an extremely important hormone. It acts as the precursor to cortisol and aldosterone, it acts as an androgen and estrogen antagonist, and it competitively inhibits 5-ar dependent reduction of testosterone -> dht.
The symptoms of low progesterone will be familiar to many of you here:
• Erectile dysfunction
• Memory loss
• Hair loss
• Absent libido
• Fatigue
• Depression and Anxiety
A study of 1056 men displayed that mean serum progesterone levels in healthy males was 1.21 nmol/L ± 0.41 SD. They also found that progesterone does not seem to decline with age.

Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men? - PubMed
'Classical' genomic progesterone receptors appear relatively late in phylogenesis, i.e. it is only in birds and mammals that they are detectable. In the different species, they mediate manifold effects regarding the differentiation of target organ functions, mainly in the reproductive system...

My own progesterone levels are extremely low, and I believe this is contributing to my declining health and poor response to TRT. My levels are as follows:
Progesterone: 0.445 (Range: 0.64 - 4.7) nmol/L.
My levels are roughly three times lower than the mean levels displayed in the above study. Moreover, their given standard deviation suggests that my progesterone levels represent an extreme outlier.
I'm curious to hear the progesterone levels of the men on this board. If you've had your levels tested prior to TRT, I'd really appreciate if you would post those as well. Please also include whether or not you use HCG, pregnenolone, progesterone or DHEA. Thanks in advance.