Back in 2015 my T was at 484 and doc said that was fine and not knowing better I said okay.
About four months ago I started back at gym but had little energy/drive so I looked into TRT. My GP started me on 100mg/week IM and in the third week I felt GREAT. Energy, drive, the wife was holding me off with a chair and whip.
And then some ED issues popped up (difficulty getting/staying hard, reduced sensitivity, loss of desire).
Here I am about three months into TRT and I had a full blood work up.
T is 560
Free T is 15.6
Estradiol is 32
SHBG is 28.5
Hematocirt is 44
My biggest problem besides the ED issues is my emotions are nonsensical. Yesterday I was sick and while looking through the medicine cabinet I started crying. The oddest things are triggering tears.
I have read that high estrogen can cause the ED and emotional issues but mine is at 32 which is at the higher end of the range but within range. Someone suggested my T to E ratio is off thus causing my issues.
I inject on Tuesday afternoons and my blood draw was done first thing Tuesday morning when my levels would be at their lowest so if my estradiaol is at 32 on Tuesday morning how high is at before then?
BTW, I am 5'10" 172lbs. When I started TRT I was at 149.
ETA: My doc is on vacation for a few weeks so I talked with her nurse and suggested adding HCG and Ariminex. HCG to keep my own production going and Ariminex to lower my estradiol. The nurse said doc would probably not prescribe the Ariminex because it's not listed for use in lowering estradiol in men.
About four months ago I started back at gym but had little energy/drive so I looked into TRT. My GP started me on 100mg/week IM and in the third week I felt GREAT. Energy, drive, the wife was holding me off with a chair and whip.
And then some ED issues popped up (difficulty getting/staying hard, reduced sensitivity, loss of desire).
Here I am about three months into TRT and I had a full blood work up.
T is 560
Free T is 15.6
Estradiol is 32
SHBG is 28.5
Hematocirt is 44
My biggest problem besides the ED issues is my emotions are nonsensical. Yesterday I was sick and while looking through the medicine cabinet I started crying. The oddest things are triggering tears.
I have read that high estrogen can cause the ED and emotional issues but mine is at 32 which is at the higher end of the range but within range. Someone suggested my T to E ratio is off thus causing my issues.
I inject on Tuesday afternoons and my blood draw was done first thing Tuesday morning when my levels would be at their lowest so if my estradiaol is at 32 on Tuesday morning how high is at before then?
BTW, I am 5'10" 172lbs. When I started TRT I was at 149.
ETA: My doc is on vacation for a few weeks so I talked with her nurse and suggested adding HCG and Ariminex. HCG to keep my own production going and Ariminex to lower my estradiol. The nurse said doc would probably not prescribe the Ariminex because it's not listed for use in lowering estradiol in men.