Eric Peterson
I have been using a compounded cream (MedQuest) for 2.5 years and I have generally been pleased with the results. The only downside is that we have had to increase the dose each year to achieve the same levels (we aim for the 900s and I am now applying 3 clicks 2X/day). I have been paying out of pocket and it is costing me about $65/month.
I have moved and I have a new provider (thankfully comfortable with my TRT). I have filled my last script (90-day supply) with the old provider so I have some time to figure out what to do next. I checked my new ins benefits and I can cut my out-of-pocket expense by half if I use one of the preferred brands. I am interested in the group’s collective experience. Here are the choices:
Androderm: how big are these patches? How common and troublesome is the skin irritation. Any trouble achieving decent levels? I would be pretty disappointed with levels of 600 which is what the package insert studies seem to show. I kind of like the idea that you can apply the patch and shower, etc without worrying about it. I worry that dose adjustments would be difficult.
Axilon: Dose adjustment seems fairly straight forward, but how do you travel with this stuff? It’s a liquid and the container is clearly more than 4 oz! The underarm application seems odd, but I guess I could get over it.
I appreciate your input in advance
I have moved and I have a new provider (thankfully comfortable with my TRT). I have filled my last script (90-day supply) with the old provider so I have some time to figure out what to do next. I checked my new ins benefits and I can cut my out-of-pocket expense by half if I use one of the preferred brands. I am interested in the group’s collective experience. Here are the choices:
Androderm: how big are these patches? How common and troublesome is the skin irritation. Any trouble achieving decent levels? I would be pretty disappointed with levels of 600 which is what the package insert studies seem to show. I kind of like the idea that you can apply the patch and shower, etc without worrying about it. I worry that dose adjustments would be difficult.
Axilon: Dose adjustment seems fairly straight forward, but how do you travel with this stuff? It’s a liquid and the container is clearly more than 4 oz! The underarm application seems odd, but I guess I could get over it.
I appreciate your input in advance