Greetings gents, long story short my prescriber and myself have been making tweaks to my regiment. We upped my Adex dose from .5mg a week to 1mg a week and needless to say it was going well until about 3 weeks into the new regiment when I started to get noodle penis, libido slashed in half, penis felt like it was creeping up into my body, small testicles (I am on HCG), lethargy, dry and popping joints, anxiety, dry lips, skin, and constant thirst. I knew I had done a number on my estrogen and labwork confirmed it on sensitive assay 8.9 (8-35pg/ml). My T:E ratio is out of whack and I while I have very high T, my E is very low and I feel like absolute crap. I dropped the Adex for 2 weeks and increased my T dose to stimulate a response to my estrogen and I am getting repeat labs here next week. However, I don't want to run into a situation of flipping from low E to high E. I am wondering how long it takes E to creep back up into the 20's and 30's from 8.9? I feel best when my estrogen is from 20-40 pg/ml. I am feeling a little bit better since dropping the Adex, but still not 100% yet.