nathan toney
Hi everyone
Many more questions: Many people talk about the "joint pain" benefits of Nandrolone. I don't specifically have pain in structures inside my joint capsules per say (such as cartilage). I experience tendon insertion pain and ligament pain.
1) Does Nandrolone only help with intra-articular pains or can it help connective tissue pain as well?
2) I also get muscle strains very easily - I'm hopeful Nandrolone helps with that as well.
3) Can poor nitrogen retention cause a propensity for muscle, ligament, and tendon weakness?
(I have been getting closer to a carnivore diet but still have a ways to go).
4) What specific side effects should I be mostly paying attention to with Nandrolone that would necessitate discontinuation (or are these side effects manageable)?
5) I became a little concerned when I read that people experienced a significant drop in total testosterone when adding in Nandrolone - was there a negative symptomatic response to this drop in total t (I saw that the free t did not change much)?
6) Is it possible that adding 30mg/wk Nandrolone with 60mg t cyp could help other aspects of my HRT journey or is it more likely to cause more challenging side effect management? I aromatize at higher doses of T cyp higher than 60-70mg/wk. I'm willing to start at a higher dose on both T cyp and Nandrolone if the two together decrease e2 as compared to just T cyp by itself.
7) After doing more research about my recent patellar tendon repair surgery (9/12/19), I realize the surgery does not "produce new tendon" it just binds the patellar tendon to the distal patella to create a large and hopefully strong scar. So I may start my trial of Nandrolone in April (I am on Clomid currently).
8) how many weeks should I be taking Nandrolone Decanoate before getting my first blood test? I know that T cyp is approximately 5-6 weeks minimum based on half life of the cypionate ester. As the Decanoate ester has a longer half life, should it be closer to 9-10 weeks?
Thank you,

Many more questions: Many people talk about the "joint pain" benefits of Nandrolone. I don't specifically have pain in structures inside my joint capsules per say (such as cartilage). I experience tendon insertion pain and ligament pain.
1) Does Nandrolone only help with intra-articular pains or can it help connective tissue pain as well?
2) I also get muscle strains very easily - I'm hopeful Nandrolone helps with that as well.
3) Can poor nitrogen retention cause a propensity for muscle, ligament, and tendon weakness?
(I have been getting closer to a carnivore diet but still have a ways to go).
4) What specific side effects should I be mostly paying attention to with Nandrolone that would necessitate discontinuation (or are these side effects manageable)?
5) I became a little concerned when I read that people experienced a significant drop in total testosterone when adding in Nandrolone - was there a negative symptomatic response to this drop in total t (I saw that the free t did not change much)?
6) Is it possible that adding 30mg/wk Nandrolone with 60mg t cyp could help other aspects of my HRT journey or is it more likely to cause more challenging side effect management? I aromatize at higher doses of T cyp higher than 60-70mg/wk. I'm willing to start at a higher dose on both T cyp and Nandrolone if the two together decrease e2 as compared to just T cyp by itself.
7) After doing more research about my recent patellar tendon repair surgery (9/12/19), I realize the surgery does not "produce new tendon" it just binds the patellar tendon to the distal patella to create a large and hopefully strong scar. So I may start my trial of Nandrolone in April (I am on Clomid currently).
8) how many weeks should I be taking Nandrolone Decanoate before getting my first blood test? I know that T cyp is approximately 5-6 weeks minimum based on half life of the cypionate ester. As the Decanoate ester has a longer half life, should it be closer to 9-10 weeks?
Thank you,