I love Nandrolone for many reasons, but whenever I add nandrolone to the mix I started having some BP issues. It took me a while to figure out what was going on which was what led me to cycling compounds and recording readings over the past year. When on just Test, with BP meds, I am around 125/70 - really good. Nandrolone starts spiking things quickly to 135+ over 78. Even when I ran it solo (3 weeks with HCG @ 140,g/week) it didn’t drop much which proved my theory. That, plus an irrational feeling I can’t shake going back to the 1980s, that androgen receptors need to get a break - had me cycle off nandrolone for a few weeks. This time I was off for 3 weeks on just low dose testosterone and then ran low dose Dbol for 3 weeks solo with no test base, as you may have seen in my other post. Honestly, I gained more mass in 3 weeks on 10 mg Dbol than I did on any other TRT+ protocol but that’s a story for a different forum

Given my joint pains, and now dropping Dbol it’s time to go back on TRT+ which for me is Test and a Nandrolone base, but this time I’m going to go with 200 N and 50 Test as you suggested. Probably keep that for a while.
I spoke to Mike at length about the need for cycling off nandrolone but he said as long as blood markers are good there is no reason to and he has not done it. Plus there were countless HIV patients who would take 200 mg for years.
Given all the above, assuming I can keep BP in check, I will stay on the 200 N /50 T for a while and maybe come off every few months to run an oral or another compound, or, now that I validated I do really well on low dose Dbol, drop the Test and use that for a few weeks with the Nandrolone.