Nandrolone (Deca) Base TRT Trial

Nice man, welcome to the nandrolone based club! lol. I’ve recently joined back in as of December 5th. I’m actually the person that got Mike started on it himself. About 4 years ago I wanted to try it, and Mike was up to let me give it a shot. After he saw that I did well on it, he tried it himself, and ended up liking it better than the test based protocol that he had been on, and has been on it ever since. He does 140 deca, 35 test, and like u said, if he has issues with morning wood, he skips his test dose and he said things usually return to where he likes them. He does daily subQ shots.

When I tried the nandrolone base for about 10 months, I used 200 deca the whole time, and used varying doses of test to see what worked best for me. I tried 40 test, 60 test, 80 test, and 100 test, all alongside 200 deca. I think my sweetspot was around 40-60 test per week, with the 200 deca. So ur test dose might just be too high. U could give deca only with some HCG a try, but my guess is that it won’t give u enough E2 to feel optimal. But u don’t lose anything by giving it a shot. Worst case scenario u don’t feel all that great, and then just add a low dose of test back in. If u do add test back in, I would start very low with it, and titrate up as needed. If ur doing HCG, maybe start with like 25-35mg/ week of test, and run that for 4-6 weeks. If u don’t feel optimal, add 10-20mg of test to that and run it for another 4-6 weeks, and repeat until u find ur sweetspot. Test and nandrolone tend to not mix the best together for some people, it’s a fickle relationship lol. So with a nandrolone base, u want to literally use the least amount of test possible, while obv feeling and functioning optimally
Great info. i was using 60 mg Test and 100 mg nandrolone recently but didn’t think the nandrolone was high enough. Occasionally I would just drop the Testosterone completely and felt great which got me rethinking the entire Test-based protocol. I am planning 200 nandrolone and low test - maybe 50 mg to see how that goes but am inclined to cycle it. I knew Mike was on for years with no issues but didn’t know his Testosterone was kept that low.
Great info. i was using 60 mg Test and 100 mg nandrolone recently but didn’t think the nandrolone was high enough. Occasionally I would just drop the Testosterone completely and felt great which got me rethinking the entire Test-based protocol. I am planning 200 nandrolone and low test - maybe 50 mg to see how that goes but am inclined to cycle it. I knew Mike was on for years with no issues but didn’t know his Testosterone was kept that low.
Ya he literally started it right after I asked him to try it, and he saw that by our next consult everything was going great, and has been on it ever since. And that was about 4 years ago now. I ask him how he’s doing every time we have a consult, and he always says that everything is still going well, and i always ask what his protocol is, and it hasn’t changed at all in the past 4 years really. 140 deca, 35 test, both injected daily subq. Seems like it works for him enough to not feel like he needs to adjust anything. He just said sometimes if he doesnt get morning wood he skips a test dose, and it usually comes right back

i knew that u were a fan of nandrolone, but don’t realized u’ve experimented with using it as a base. That’s super interesting that when u dropped the test while using 100 nandrolone u still felt great. How long did u stay on just the 100mg of nandrolone by itself? I assume not too long. I would assume that u would eventually not feel all that great on just 100mg of nandrolone by itself, once the test was 100% out of ur system. But u never know I guess, everyone is different

200mg nandrolone seems like a solid base dose for most guys I feel like. I can see u doing well with 50mg of test added to it. The last time I tried a nandrolone base my sweetspot seemed like it was 40-60mg of test. So 50 is obv smack dab in the middle of what worked for me

what part do u plan on cycling? And what’s ur reason for cycling anything?
Today was my first dose of NPP.
I decided on doing 180mg NPP, 20 TE and 600iu HCG split 3x weekly.
My last dose of TE on previous protocol was 7 days ago so I am going to do ONLY NPP and HCG for the first week then add in the 20mg TE the following.
I'll update how I'm doing as the weeks come
I feel like this is a very good place to start, as far as a nandrolone based protocol goes. Starting with a nice and low test dose, and I like ur hcg dose as well. And I think ur injection frequency is good as well. I definitely think u could feel really good on this protocol. And if u don’t end up feeling optimal, just keep it npp and HCG doses the same, and up ur test dose to 30mg, and see how u feel on that after 4-6 weeks. With the hcg in there, I don’t see u needing a lot of test to feel good. But just have to try it and see. Can’t wait to see how u end up doing. Definitely report back as often as u can
Ya he literally started it right after I asked him to try it, and he saw that by our next consult everything was going great, and has been on it ever since. And that was about 4 years ago now. I ask him how he’s doing every time we have a consult, and he always says that everything is still going well, and i always ask what his protocol is, and it hasn’t changed at all in the past 4 years really. 140 deca, 35 test, both injected daily subq. Seems like it works for him enough to not feel like he needs to adjust anything. He just said sometimes if he doesnt get morning wood he skips a test dose, and it usually comes right back

i knew that u were a fan of nandrolone, but don’t realized u’ve experimented with using it as a base. That’s super interesting that when u dropped the test while using 100 nandrolone u still felt great. How long did u stay on just the 100mg of nandrolone by itself? I assume not too long. I would assume that u would eventually not feel all that great on just 100mg of nandrolone by itself, once the test was 100% out of ur system. But u never know I guess, everyone is different

200mg nandrolone seems like a solid base dose for most guys I feel like. I can see u doing well with 50mg of test added to it. The last time I tried a nandrolone base my sweetspot seemed like it was 40-60mg of test. So 50 is obv smack dab in the middle of what worked for me

what part do u plan on cycling? And what’s ur reason for cycling anything?
I love Nandrolone for many reasons, but whenever I add nandrolone to the mix I started having some BP issues. It took me a while to figure out what was going on which was what led me to cycling compounds and recording readings over the past year. When on just Test, with BP meds, I am around 125/70 - really good. Nandrolone starts spiking things quickly to 135+ over 78. Even when I ran it solo (3 weeks with HCG @ 140,g/week) it didn’t drop much which proved my theory. That, plus an irrational feeling I can’t shake going back to the 1980s, that androgen receptors need to get a break - had me cycle off nandrolone for a few weeks. This time I was off for 3 weeks on just low dose testosterone and then ran low dose Dbol for 3 weeks solo with no test base, as you may have seen in my other post. Honestly, I gained more mass in 3 weeks on 10 mg Dbol than I did on any other TRT+ protocol but that’s a story for a different forum :-).

Given my joint pains, and now dropping Dbol it’s time to go back on TRT+ which for me is Test and a Nandrolone base, but this time I’m going to go with 200 N and 50 Test as you suggested. Probably keep that for a while.

I spoke to Mike at length about the need for cycling off nandrolone but he said as long as blood markers are good there is no reason to and he has not done it. Plus there were countless HIV patients who would take 200 mg for years.

Given all the above, assuming I can keep BP in check, I will stay on the 200 N /50 T for a while and maybe come off every few months to run an oral or another compound, or, now that I validated I do really well on low dose Dbol, drop the Test and use that for a few weeks with the Nandrolone.
I feel like this is a very good place to start, as far as a nandrolone based protocol goes. Starting with a nice and low test dose, and I like ur hcg dose as well. And I think ur injection frequency is good as well. I definitely think u could feel really good on this protocol. And if u don’t end up feeling optimal, just keep it npp and HCG doses the same, and up ur test dose to 30mg, and see how u feel on that after 4-6 weeks. With the hcg in there, I don’t see u needing a lot of test to feel good. But just have to try it and see. Can’t wait to see how u end up doing. Definitely report back as often as u can
Not sure it's going to matter much - but my dr put in test C instead of E for me - so looks like it will be test C now for the foreseeable future since I have 20ml of it now. Slightly annoyed by that since on T base my libido was slightly better with the test E vs the test C but Im hoping since it isnt the base it wont matter. I could always use UGL test E but I always preferred using pharma.
It's been said Arnold has had multiple heart operations, which he tries to keep quiet. Not sure about a liver transplant, but with all the oral Dbol he used it would not surprise me.
This is true but it was from a genetic defect in his valve. His mother died of the same thing.
Not sure it's going to matter much - but my dr put in test C instead of E for me - so looks like it will be test C now for the foreseeable future since I have 20ml of it now. Slightly annoyed by that since on T base my libido was slightly better with the test E vs the test C but Im hoping since it isnt the base it wont matter. I could always use UGL test E but I always preferred using pharma.
I’m with u. I think since it’s not ur base, it’s not gonna matter a ton hopefully. I always prefer pharma too obv
I love Nandrolone for many reasons, but whenever I add nandrolone to the mix I started having some BP issues. It took me a while to figure out what was going on which was what led me to cycling compounds and recording readings over the past year. When on just Test, with BP meds, I am around 125/70 - really good. Nandrolone starts spiking things quickly to 135+ over 78. Even when I ran it solo (3 weeks with HCG @ 140,g/week) it didn’t drop much which proved my theory. That, plus an irrational feeling I can’t shake going back to the 1980s, that androgen receptors need to get a break - had me cycle off nandrolone for a few weeks. This time I was off for 3 weeks on just low dose testosterone and then ran low dose Dbol for 3 weeks solo with no test base, as you may have seen in my other post. Honestly, I gained more mass in 3 weeks on 10 mg Dbol than I did on any other TRT+ protocol but that’s a story for a different forum :).

Given my joint pains, and now dropping Dbol it’s time to go back on TRT+ which for me is Test and a Nandrolone base, but this time I’m going to go with 200 N and 50 Test as you suggested. Probably keep that for a while.

I spoke to Mike at length about the need for cycling off nandrolone but he said as long as blood markers are good there is no reason to and he has not done it. Plus there were countless HIV patients who would take 200 mg for years.

Given all the above, assuming I can keep BP in check, I will stay on the 200 N /50 T for a while and maybe come off every few months to run an oral or another compound, or, now that I validated I do really well on low dose Dbol, drop the Test and use that for a few weeks with the Nandrolone.
BP is literally so easy to keep in check without meds. Feel free to DM me about it if u want. I can easily get ur BP issue corrected, within a week or less too. No need to cycle nandrolone for that reason. And I’m with Mike, I personally don’t see any need to cycle nandrolone in general

so how long did u run the deca solo while still feeling good, after dropping the test?
Got some labs back today and have some questions on SHBG. I have been on 200mg Deca 70mg test for 6months now. Daily injections. Last labs were 3 months ago and SHBG was 30 where usually always is. Now 3 months later same protocol my SHBG is 14? Does Deca lower SHBG? Also my estrogen went from 62 down to 44 in the last 3 months. No AI. Overall I feel pretty good just not sure on these big swing in numbers. Should I be concerned or change protocol?
Got some labs back today and have some questions on SHBG. I have been on 200mg Deca 70mg test for 6months now. Daily injections. Last labs were 3 months ago and SHBG was 30 where usually always is. Now 3 months later same protocol my SHBG is 14? Does Deca lower SHBG? Also my estrogen went from 62 down to 44 in the last 3 months. No AI. Overall I feel pretty good just not sure on these big swing in numbers. Should I be concerned or change protocol?
Are you still using HCG? And how's your erection quality? Also have you seen any noticeable hair loss shedding? I have been trouble dialing in on TRT and was thinking of trying this protocol.
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No HCG. Erections are normal. Libido could be better but no issues performing or ED. I don’t have any hair shedding but never have.
Got some labs back today and have some questions on SHBG. I have been on 200mg Deca 70mg test for 6months now. Daily injections. Last labs were 3 months ago and SHBG was 30 where usually always is. Now 3 months later same protocol my SHBG is 14? Does Deca lower SHBG? Also my estrogen went from 62 down to 44 in the last 3 months. No AI. Overall I feel pretty good just not sure on these big swing in numbers. Should I be concerned or change protocol?
Interesting. I haven’t had labs this time around on a nandrolone base, but will in the next couple weeks. When I was on the nandrolone base back in 2020, I had SHBG checked after being on the nandrolone base for almost 2 months, and it came back at 36.7. That was on 200 deca and 60 test. Then 3 months after that, about 5 months into the nandrolone base, my SHBG was 39.5. That was on 200 deca and 80 test. I can report back once I get labs done on my current nandrolone based protocol. Should have those results in like 3-4 weeks

so to answer ur question tho, I’m not sure. It didn’t seem to lower my SHBG the last time I was using a nandorlone base. Not sure why E2 dropped. That could be due to ur SHBG dropping. Whenever certain sex hormones change, the body tries to retain homeostasis, and has a tendency of adjusting other sex hormones to do so
Mood is calm and stable no ups or downs really. Energy is the same just consistent. There’s no OMG this a miracle protocol but I’m finding that doesn’t exist. Think we search these message boards for the perfect protocol but in reality we’re never going to have perfect hormones and will always be fighting some sort sides or area we’d like to “enhance”. For me Deca as a base vs test gives me better feeling mood, much improved joints and slightly less acne. I still have bacne but I don’t think that will ever go away if I am on anything. It’s really a trade off of what your willing to deal with with.
Mood is calm and stable no ups or downs really. Energy is the same just consistent. There’s no OMG this a miracle protocol but I’m finding that doesn’t exist. Think we search these message boards for the perfect protocol but in reality we’re never going to have perfect hormones and will always be fighting some sort sides or area we’d like to “enhance”. For me Deca as a base vs test gives me better feeling mood, much improved joints and slightly less acne. I still have bacne but I don’t think that will ever go away if I am on anything. It’s really a trade off of what your willing to deal with with.

I’d have to agree. It’s been said so many times, for good reason. But HRT is just one part of the puzzle, when it comes to how we feel and function. It’s a huge part, but still just a part nonetheless. Unless ur doing everything else perfect in ur life, to feel and function optimally, HRT will never be able to optimize everything on its own

Glad ur feeling better on this protocol tho, compared to a test base. For ur sake, and to show others that there are more options than most guys think, when trying to optimize their hormone protocol. Ur experience mirrors my first experience on a nandrolone base. I felt calm, cool and collected all the time. Anything stressful just kind of rolled off my shoulders. Energy was decent, from what I remember, libido was good, and erections were amazing. And sleep has always been good the entire time I’ve been on hrt, no matter what protocol I’m on. The nandrolone base was no exception.

As far as acne goes, look into getting more retinol in ur diet. That helps me a lot. High dose vitamin A is what’s in accutane, so it makes sense that retinol would help with acne. I get a lot of mine through the grass fed beef liver I consume. But there’s a decent amount in pastured egg yolks, grass fed dairy (which includes butter) and certain oily fish. Then just try to keep ur diet as clean as possible. Avoid crap pasteurized/ grain fed dairy, gluten and crap oils. U do all these things and u’ll see ur acne clear up. U absolutely don’t need to suffer with it indefinitely
For several reasons, I'm convinced a Deca base with very low Test is my best option.

For those with experience using this protocol, have you found once or twice weekly applications best?

Also, in researching it some suggest to stagger the Deca and Test injections a few days apart, while others go as far as to combine them in the same vial (which seems patently wrong to me).

I'm also wondering if a specific Deca to Test ratio has generally been found to be best?

Trusting the knowledge base here, thanks in advance.
For several reasons, I'm convinced a Deca base with very low Test is my best option.

For those with experience using this protocol, have you found once or twice weekly applications best?

Also, in researching it some suggest to stagger the Deca and Test injections a few days apart, while others go as far as to combine them in the same vial (which seems patently wrong to me).

I'm also wondering if a specific Deca to Test ratio has generally been found to be best?

Trusting the knowledge base here, thanks in advance.

Are u saying mixing the test and deca in the same vial is wrong, or drawing them both up from separate vials into the same syringe is wrong? I personally draw them up into the same syringe and inject EOD, so I’m jc

I haven’t personally experimented very much with dosage frequency on a nandrolone base, so I can really speak on that. I personally just inject both EOD, again, in the same syringe. So just one pin EOD

And I’m not sure if there’s an ideal nandrolone to test ratio that’s been established yet. It’s just all about finding ur personal sweetspot. And I think the only way to do that is simply pick a dose of nandrolone, and either start using it by itself, or with a very very low dose of test. Say 10-20mg/ week. Then after 4-6 weeks titrate ur dose up by 10mg/ week, wait another 4-6 weeks to see how u feel, and continue to titrate up the test dose by 10mg as needed until u reach ur sweetspot. U obv might have to go past it slightly, cuz if u feel good on a certain test dose, how do u know that u won’t feel even better on a bit more test? U kind of have to find ur sweetspot, go a little past it to where u start feeling less good, and then back it down to the dose where u last felt ur best. All while keeping ur nandrolone dose the exact same. I really can’t see many guys not feeling great, in all aspects, and finding their sweetspot at some point using this method.

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