nandrolone causing all my acne?

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i've been on nandrolone, testosterone and hcg for about a year now, without problems, but in the last two months, my skin has gone downhill. either rosacia or acne on my face. red bumps all over my back and, more recently, my chest. none of it is painful but it sure is ugly.

my research suggests that the most likely culprit is the nandrolone. what do you all think? i'm w/ defy, so i'm going to get him touch w/ them about this as well.


here's my protocol:

Testosterone: .3ml twice weekly
Nandrolone 3ml twice weekly
HCG 250 IU twice weekly
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
i've been on nandrolone, testosterone and hcg for about a year now, without problems, but in the last two months, my skin has gone downhill. either rosacia or acne on my face. red bumps all over my back and, more recently, my chest. none of it is painful but it sure is ugly.

my research suggests that the most likely culprit is the nandrolone. what do you all think? i'm w/ defy, so i'm going to get him touch w/ them about this as well.


here's my protocol:

Testosterone: .3ml twice weekly
Nandrolone 3ml twice weekly
HCG 250 IU twice weekly

You had no issues using nandrolone for roughly a why would you think the most likely culprit is the nandrolone?

Have you had labs done recently to see where your TT/FT/e2 (sensitive assay) levels sit on such protocol.

If it is acne than the androgen testosterone would be much more prone to one experiencing issues with acne especially in genetically prone individuals as oppose to nandrolone which is considered one of the milder AAS which tends to have minimal side effects.....especially hair loss or acne related.

If the strength of your nandrolone is 200 mg/ml than you are also using a rather low weekly dose.
from what i've read, longer term use of N can cause acne, hence my initial conclusion.

labs from a month ago:
testosterone free. 6.6 - 18.1 range. 34.4
testosterone total. 264 - 916 range. >1500
estradiol: 8 - 35 range. 44
shbg. 19.3 - 76.4 range. 32.4
prolactin. 4 - 15.2 range. 10
dhea. 48.9 - 344.2 range. 149.1

defy figured the high tt was just a spike. nandroline is 200 ml twice a week, or 400 ml a week, which makes it a medium strength dose, from what i can tell. am i in error?

here's one source's words:
If you are experiencing difficulties with your joints, 100 mg per week should be enough for you to relieve the pain and get more comfortable with your workload
If you are trying to improve your performance and increase your muscle mass, 200 mg per week is a minimal effective dose of Nandrolone decanoate
If you are a recreational athlete trying to maximize your performance, maximum dosage should not exceed 400 mg per week. Doses of 500 mg or more are only recommended for elite and well experienced athletes, and even then, risks of side effects may be increased

meanwhile, here's a pic of my 64-year-old back. don't mind the sheet crease; i do a lot of napping.


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from what i've read, longer term use of N can cause acne, hence my initial conclusion.

labs from a month ago:
testosterone free. 6.6 - 18.1 range. 34.4
testosterone total. 264 - 916 range. >1500
estradiol: 8 - 35 range. 44
shbg. 19.3 - 76.4 range. 32.4
prolactin. 4 - 15.2 range. 10
dhea. 48.9 - 344.2 range. 149.1

defy figured the high tt was just a spike. nandroline is 200 ml twice a week, or 400 ml a week, which makes it a medium strength dose, from what i can tell. am i in error?

here's one source's words:
If you are experiencing difficulties with your joints, 100 mg per week should be enough for you to relieve the pain and get more comfortable with your workload
If you are trying to improve your performance and increase your muscle mass, 200 mg per week is a minimal effective dose of Nandrolone decanoate
If you are a recreational athlete trying to maximize your performance, maximum dosage should not exceed 400 mg per week. Doses of 500 mg or more are only recommended for elite and well experienced athletes, and even then, risks of side effects may be increased

meanwhile, here's a pic of my 64-year-old back. don't mind the sheet crease; i do a lot of napping.

You are definitely not using 200 mg/ml twice weekly (400 mg/week) of nandrolone as you stated in your first post that you are injecting .3 ml twice weekly which would be 60 mg twice weekly (120 mg/week) if the strength of the nandrolone is 200 mg/ml which it should be because if the strength was only 100 mg/ml than you would only be injecting 30 mg twice weekly (60 mg/week) which would be an ineffective dose.

There is no way you are using 400 mg/week as no doctor would prescribe such dose for combination trt as regarding joint health most doctors would prescribe 100 mg/week (on average) and as far as other legitimated health related issues HIV/cancer and some others doses of 200 mg/week may be prescribed along with testosterone.....but no doctor would normally prescribe higher doses.

As far as one using nandrolone to enhance muscle 200 mg/week would be the minimal dose needed and even than most would be venturing into the 400-600 mg/week of nandrolone for muscle building purposes as it would be much more effective (than we are not talking trt).

As long as your injecting .3 ml twice weekly (120 mg/week) than the dose is by no means high and should not cause any issues related to side effects and even if one were prescribed 200 mg/week it would be rare for one to experience sides at such dose due to nandrolones mild nature.

From the pic it is hard to get a close view but it does look like small acne eruptions scattered all over your back.

Have you noticed extreme oiliness in your skin?

You state that your protocol is .3 ml twice weekly of nandrolone and testosterone.

Would make sense that the nandrolone is 200 mg/ml and the testosterone is 200 mg/ml
so you would be injecting 120 mg nandrolone + 120 mg testosterone weekly.

Are you absolutely sure you are only injecting .3 ml twice weekly of both the nandrolone and testosterone because if your dosing is not accurate than it will effect your TT/FT and e2.
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from what i've read, longer term use of N can cause acne, hence my initial conclusion.

labs from a month ago:
testosterone free. 6.6 - 18.1 range. 34.4
testosterone total. 264 - 916 range. >1500
estradiol: 8 - 35 range. 44
shbg. 19.3 - 76.4 range. 32.4
prolactin. 4 - 15.2 range. 10
dhea. 48.9 - 344.2 range. 149.1

defy figured the high tt was just a spike. nandroline is 200 ml twice a week, or 400 ml a week, which makes it a medium strength dose, from what i can tell. am i in error?

here's one source's words:
If you are experiencing difficulties with your joints, 100 mg per week should be enough for you to relieve the pain and get more comfortable with your workload
If you are trying to improve your performance and increase your muscle mass, 200 mg per week is a minimal effective dose of Nandrolone decanoate
If you are a recreational athlete trying to maximize your performance, maximum dosage should not exceed 400 mg per week. Doses of 500 mg or more are only recommended for elite and well experienced athletes, and even then, risks of side effects may be increased

meanwhile, here's a pic of my 64-year-old back. don't mind the sheet crease; i do a lot of napping.

Had a better view of the pic close up and it definitely is tiny acne papules scattered over your back but it is not severe.

If it is also on your face and recently starting on your chest than there is a good chance your hormones are out of whack and too elevated.

Also showering daily is critical to cleanse the buildup of oil/bacteria/debris as there may be some who shower/bathe every other day depending on the individual.

I naturally have oily skin which increased more on trt although my skin has remained clear I do shower daily and change my bed sheets often although I still get the odd pimples on my back, shoulders, chest and face rarely!

Your FT looks to be really high!

Adding the nandrolone combined with the testosterone will effect your overall levels and looking at your most recent labs you may need to lower your levels slightly.

Once you have your follow up with Defy they will address your concerns and decide what is the best approach in your situation as you are in good hands!
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Again Testosterone would be much more prone to causing side effects related to skin/hair conditions especially in genetically prone individuals as opposed to the milder AAS nandrolone.

Some men are very sensitive to the strong androgenic nature of testosterone and can experience mild sides even when using lower doses.

Ones FT levels will play a big role as excess FT can lead to excess e2 and DHT.

Everyone reacts differently to hormones due to genetics/sensitivity of the AR (androgen receptor)/sensitivity of the ER (estrogen receptors)/polymorphism of the AR and CAG repeat length (whether short/long)
95% of my bacne/body acne was Estrogen related. We're all different and I have low SHBG but having my trough Sens E in the single digits made a huge difference...I no longer have to shower and scrub my body twice a day with special shampoo. I can shower once per day with regular body wash and not be a walking zit factory.

Too often we run to T, and/or DHT.

Note your E2 @ 44 and your SHBG is 19. Notice how high your Free T is....way over the lab range. You can be pretty sure that your Free Estrogen is just as high.

Basically your Free T and Estrogen is way to high. Your Sens E2 should be at or below your SHBG value. This worked for me!! How you work that with Nandrolone I don't know.
madman: you are absolutely right about the dosage i'm using. and yes it is .3ml twice weekly of nandrolone and testosterone. and yes, the bumps are on my chest as well as my face. i shower daily and do not think i have oily skin but i don't know for sure.
i'l get in touch w/ defy about maybe lowering the dosages. good idea. thanks.
vince: i'll talk to defy about what you say as soon as i can.
nelson: thanks for the links!
okay, defy weighed in and said: It could be high estrogen or high DHT that is causing acne, start anastrozole 0.25mg twice weekly.

seem like a logical first step to you guys?
and, if so, where do you get your anastrozole?
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
Estradiol is not the cause of acne. In fact, estradiol is responsible for proper skin and hair health. Blocking estradiol also diminishes muscle gains with any androgen.

In men susceptible to it, the best way to avoid acne (or folliculitis, which is usually confused with acne) is to avoid high T doses, keep your skin oil free, use Nizoral shampoo as a body wash, get some sun, take 50 mg per day of zinc (with 3 mg copper), avoid chocolate, nuts, fatty foods, whey and creatine, and (in extreme cases) use low dose Accutane if minocycline does not work.

I suggest you review these posts:

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