My bloodwork

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I have been having all the symptoms of low TRT for the last couple of years. I decided to take some tests and see what it shows.
Free T4: 8.74 ( 5.1 - 14.1 ug/dL)
Free T3: 117 (80 - 200 ng/dl)
Total Test: 521 (193 - 740 ng/dl)
Free Test: 7.84 (4.7 - 13.6 ng/dl)
SHBG: 55 (10 - 80 nmol/l)

I am over 50+ so what other tests should I look at? Does the above tests look good enough to not get a prescription to try out t-gels?

Thanks for any ideas....
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Thyroid is a bit sluggish and may be why you feel like you do.

For a man of your age your androgen levels are impressive; I don't even think a progressive anti aging Doc would prescribe Testosterone.

Like to see more labs like estrogen, PSA, prolactin....

But overall, not too shabby for a man your age.
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It will be hard to find a doctor that prescribes TRT for men with TT over 500 ng/dL, but your free T is under 2 percent (some may use this as a prescribing criteria along with hypogonadism symptoms)

If you are overweight, losing weight may improve TT and FT.

I am not sure I would start TRT without at least reviewing your lifestyle and medication list (if any).
For the most part, you would hope to get Free T4 and Free T3 in the 50% to 80% area of the reference range. However, you should review the ratio of Reverse T3 & Free T3 before looking at treating this.
I will be getting back into exercising with weights and add supplements like ZMA etc... Also I would look at finding ways to lower a aittle my SHBG via training and natural supplements. ...

After two months will check my bloodwork to see where I stand....
Some more blood tests that I did not post:

TSH - 1.75 uIU/mL (.34 - 5.6)
FSH - 6.2 mIU/mL (1.3 - 19.3)
LH 1.9 mIU/mL (1.2 - 8.6)
Prolactin 2.7 ng/mL (2.6 - 13.1)

So like in my previous post I am thinking to reduce my bodyweight from 97kg to around 88kg while looking for a bodyfat around 10-12% average. I will make sure to add ZMA(zinc, magnesium, B6) as well as stinging nettle to the mix. Fats I will add coconut oil, I love extra virgin cold press oil from my friends farm but reading that coconut oil is very beneficial. Another is I will supplement D3 at 5000iu since I am living in a northern country near Finland. I have decided to supplement Boron as well since it seems to have an affinity to SHBG.

Other tests that I will take in two months will be E2, DHEA-s, PSA, CBC, CMP as well as the above tests. I pay from my pocket so must be careful :)

My goal is to try to maximise my hormonal output with what my genetics can do at my age 52+ to see if I can feel like I felt in my 30's. If not then I will look to add HRT to get me back in the range that I was.

If anyone has more idea's on what I can add to bring down SHBG as I think under 35 would be very helpful as my total T is good but Free T is low please let me know.

Thanks for listening....
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