Hi. Im new to this forum. Found it on YouTube thanks to Rand McClain. Im a 46 year old male. Ive been on and off steroids since my 20's. For the last year Ive been going to a medical rejuvenation clinic. They've prescribed me 1CC of Testosterone per week and 2 Arimidex tablets per week. Im 5'11" 175lbs. Im fairly active. I run / bike 4 times a week and go to the gym 3 - 4 times a week. As Ive gotten older it seems to me as its gotten more difficult to maintain a nice athletic build / size. Can anyone recommend a long term sustainable treatment / cycle where I can see size / muscle gains and also improve mood / libido? Im thinking I may not be taking enough Test or I should maybe add an AI? Id like to look a little more muscular but it seems as if even with working out Im not gaining much size. Really appreciate any feedback. Thanks so much!