Low T African American percentage ?

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Can dr crisler or sr saya comment on what is the ratio of men they treat that are Caucasian vs African American?

It almost seems that it is predominately Caucasian men issue issue.
Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
I would estimate that African American males comprise approximately 10-15% of my patients. Females (all races) comprise approximately 25%...which leaves approx 60% for all other males (Caucasian, Latino, Asian, etc).

From a medical perspective, I firmly believe African American males suffer from Hypogonadism with the same prevalence as other races, but as with many other areas of medicine/preventative care today, I feel they receive care at a much lower rate (many possible reasons including possibly less access to appropriate care, less emphasis on noticing the hallmark symptoms, socioeconomic factors, etc).
I'm not too surprised at that number.
I wonder what is causing this (low t) to increase.
Increase in steroid usage in the 80s and 90s?
Is it a large combination like foods(go) chemicals, ( all the side effects from other drugs) lifestyle or maybe just a few?
Has it simply been ignored until now?

Also what are other countries have this issue on our scale?
I'm not too surprised at that number.
I wonder what is causing this (low t) to increase.
Increase in steroid usage in the 80s and 90s?
Is it a large combination like foods(go) chemicals, ( all the side effects from other drugs) lifestyle or maybe just a few?
Has it simply been ignored until now?

Also what are other countries have this issue on our scale?
Evolution maybe.
There are tons of xenoestrogens in the environment now that were not there 40-50 years ago as well. That certainly cannot help matters. That and education as you say. Not that long ago, when you hit, say 50, you were considered "old" so if you had low energy, no libido, etc...well, you are an old man now, what do you expect? Where now there is another "Low T" advertisement around every corner so instead of just writing it off to old age, folks are more likely to get checked.
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