Hello everybody
Today i make my hormones blood test and the results are
Testo 4,56 (2,49 - 8,36)
Free testo 22,54 (15-50)
Prl 12,8 (4,04 - 15,20)
Shbg 20,4 (16,5-55,9)
Tsh 1,43 (0,270-4, 20)
Fsh 4,35 (1,50-12,40)
E2 estradiol is very low 18,59.. (27,1-60,7)
Anyone know why E2 is very low but the testo and free testo are at normal levels?
Any opinion how change it or what i must to do?
Thank you
Today i make my hormones blood test and the results are
Testo 4,56 (2,49 - 8,36)
Free testo 22,54 (15-50)
Prl 12,8 (4,04 - 15,20)
Shbg 20,4 (16,5-55,9)
Tsh 1,43 (0,270-4, 20)
Fsh 4,35 (1,50-12,40)
E2 estradiol is very low 18,59.. (27,1-60,7)
Anyone know why E2 is very low but the testo and free testo are at normal levels?
Any opinion how change it or what i must to do?
Thank you
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