I'm not sure what to do, I do not know if my lack of mental focus is due to the hormone adjustments the BHRT doctors have been doing over the past year. But in the past 2 months, I have been sliding back to where I think I use to be before I ever took testosterone and prior to my diagnosis with Klinefelter's syndrome. My inability to focus on topics and ease of distraction coupled with extreme fatigue is impacting my work and will probably result in my termination (again). Sadly, from a discussion with other Klinefelter's people, this sounds like something that is rather common. I however have been spared it for nearly 30 years.
Not sure what to do. I have attached my lab tests and the meds they have me on. I am taking 1.25 pills of Anastrozole twice a week and injecting 0.6ml of testosterone twice a week. One tablet of DHEA daily. Also, have a lot of vitamins which too.
Not sure what to do. I have attached my lab tests and the meds they have me on. I am taking 1.25 pills of Anastrozole twice a week and injecting 0.6ml of testosterone twice a week. One tablet of DHEA daily. Also, have a lot of vitamins which too.