I have been on HRT for 12 years. 200 mg/ml testosterone cypronate Twice weekly 1/2 cc. Over time I lost about 30% of my testicle size and they have gotten much softer. Started HCG about 5 years ago and regained my size and firmness. Approx 2 years ago I began to notice a very dimminished ejaculate ( cum ). It is now non existent even with HCG at 300 iu three days a week EOD. On occastion with edgeing I will get alittle precum but not consistant. Is there any way to restore ejaculation ? I orgasum but do not ejaculate. I've gone to a urolgist but all he did was lecuture me on how bad it was to be on HRT. Quit going to him!!! Should I try clomid or find another urologist my internist says it's just a side effect of HRT. I realize this is probably not health threating but psycologicaly I sure would like to ejaculate again.