This is something I'm going to bring up to dr saya for my first appointment but around 5 months or so ago the endo I was seeing told me I needed to get off of trt so that he could get accurate blood work. What had happened was I was originally with one dr who prescribed me trt. My estrogen got out of control, he couldn't get it in check and pretty much said we don't know what to do because arimdex made me sick. So Then I started to self medicate bringing my estrogen down with aromisin. I didn't want to do things illegally any more so I went to an endo. At the time I was taking 150mg weekly and that was it. I saw him and was honest. He said we need you to stop trt so we can get accurate blood readings. I stopped cold turkey. I honestly didnt notice any real difference stopping as I was already feeling terrible on 150mg of testosterone weekly which is probably the wrong protocol for me but I was scared to come off of it after being on a year and a half. The one thing that did happen is within those 4-5 months I dropped 40-50lbs, had zero appetite, severe nausea as well. Coming of testosterone is the only thing that changed so that's the only thing that makes sense to me as to my drastic weight loss and I would say 85% of the muscle that I gained is completely gone. I haven't been able to find much info other then I read something that if you gained weight while being on trt (which I gained muscle and has a very strict diet) that the opposite could happen once coming off. Thanks guys.