This happened years ago and again in the last couple of weeks, so may be helpful for some. Various times in my life I have had depression and even after getting hormones tuned up there has been some nagging mild depression that creeps up. My T4 and T3 levels look good, but my TSH has sometimes crept upwards. Recalling what Dr. Mariano used to say: TSH is the brains opinion of our thyroid levels. Sometimes it's a good opinion and sometimes not. Iodine has been reported to both help in conversion of T4 to T3 and uptake of Thyroid to our cells. What is true for certain I don't know. I did just have a spot urine test and my iodine was rock-bottom. Makes sense as I have been home cooking and been using sea salt, so no iodine. I started taking small doses of Iodoral and first few times a few palpitations and definitely energy perked up - almost too much. Perhaps, thyroid was circulating but not being used? Just because blood levels of T3 and T4 are where you want them to be, doesn't mean they are being used? IDK, but within a week, the cloud has significantly lifted and I think I will take half-pill of Iodoral 2-3 times a week - it's working for me.