Hello, 36 year old man currently on TRT for the past month. Before, I had several complaints of items such as fatigue, no libido (both items that I just thought were normal for being a father/husband with very little kids). I would be moody and not comfortable with that. Always tired,never slept well. Suffered from random muscle pains in my body out of no where, like my muscle were breaking down.... always sore. I also had chief complaints of dry mouth and dry eyes (which stick shut every night in the late hours). SO my dr set up labs for Rheumatoid factors that came back negative, thyroid which came back high end of normal, and testosterone of 259. SO we talked about TRT and I went on 200mg Cyp IM q 10 days. I would notice elevated mood, and increased libido, and I slept better, but that would fall off halfway through the 10 days, but seems to be getting short and shorter with each does.I don't do blood work for another 2 months so I'm looking forward to learning about the things that can happen, and how i should be tested. I have gained over 10lbs since starting, which i'm hoping most is water weight, but I would love to shift the back into losing weight since i'm hitting the gym again.