Hi All, I am 41 year old male from India Pune. I was born low T and now have worst low T symptomS
Testicles size reduced to left 2.5 vm and 1.2 cm and right measures 2.9 and 1. Cm. Also developed bilateral vericocele of 4.5 mm and 3.5 mm on right. Very low testicular volume.
TT Total - 450
Estradiol - 34
Lh - 9
Fsh - 7
Prolactin - 7
Tsh - 0.5
Please let me know as I would like to be in range 900-1000 and would like to go for lifelong TRT
Life is a hell right now severe brain fog, no energy, no libido and no mood, no motivation can not sleep and memory loss and cognition issued
Please let me as it's Primary Testicular failure and my pituitary is working.
Is there any way I can restore my TT level to optimized level using Hcg monotherapy or TT alone or TT plus Hcg to stay Testicular function active. Or any stem cell therapy would be helpfulL
I am from Pune, India
Thanks and appreciate positive responses from you all.
Testicles size reduced to left 2.5 vm and 1.2 cm and right measures 2.9 and 1. Cm. Also developed bilateral vericocele of 4.5 mm and 3.5 mm on right. Very low testicular volume.
TT Total - 450
Estradiol - 34
Lh - 9
Fsh - 7
Prolactin - 7
Tsh - 0.5
Please let me know as I would like to be in range 900-1000 and would like to go for lifelong TRT
Life is a hell right now severe brain fog, no energy, no libido and no mood, no motivation can not sleep and memory loss and cognition issued
Please let me as it's Primary Testicular failure and my pituitary is working.
Is there any way I can restore my TT level to optimized level using Hcg monotherapy or TT alone or TT plus Hcg to stay Testicular function active. Or any stem cell therapy would be helpfulL
I am from Pune, India
Thanks and appreciate positive responses from you all.