Gonadorelin: Dosage Conversion

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Hey gang. Just got a 10 ML (1mg/5ml) vial of Gonadorelin HCL. Directions call for 50 MCG subq. This is my first time using this product vs Compounded HcG previously. Anyway, I want to make sure I get my math right as the 30 gauge insulin syringes are marked 1 ML total / 100 Units. not marked in MCG. I will also look at some converters and email the clinic too but since it is Sunday figured I would post here too. My question is how many ML or Units are in a 50 MCG dose using the above syringe. Sorry if my math skills are subpar
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Defy Medical TRT clinic doctor
Hey gang. Just got a 10 ML (1mg/5ml) vial of Gonadorelin HCL. Directions call for 50 MCG subq. This is my first time using this product vs Compounded HcG previously. Anyway, I want to make sure I get my math right as the 30 gauge insulin syringes are marked 1 ML total / 100 Units. not marked in MCG. I will also look at some converters and email the clinic too but since it is Sunday figured I would post here too. My question is how many ML or Units are in a 50 MCG dose using the above syringe. Sorry if my math skills are subpar
50 mcg * 1mg / 1000 mcg * 5 mL / 1 mg * 100 units / 1 mL = 25 units

The key number is the concentration, which you indicate is 1 mg per 5 mL or 200 mcg per mL. Divide the latter by 4 to get 50 mcg per 0.25 mL, which is your dose. And one quarter of an mL is 25 units on your syringe.

Is this a daily dose? Has your clinic said what results you should expect? Will LH be measured?
Thanks Cat. The protocol is 50 mcg once weekly. Part of my TRT program. Up until now it was Test Cypionate and HcG. The HcG is being swapped out with the Gonadorelin now. Likely due to the HcG notice/regulation that were being circulated. I was prescribed 25 units (250 iu) of HcG prior.
My expectation is that 50 mcg once weekly will not be effective. You can verify by trying the protocol for some time and then measuring LH 30 minutes post-injection. But testicular atrophy may be an earlier sign.
Hey Cat. In short summary why do you have this expectation? I did some looking around last night and data is mixed like so much out there. Appreciate your feedback.
I've discussed many of the details here. There are two main problems. First, we don't know the minimum frequency for GnRH to maintain pituitary activity, or simply to provide some subjective benefits. In natural men this hormone is delivered in small pulses every two hours or so. I cite some research showing that pulses at 24 hours could produce activity, but this was starting immediately from normal operation, meaning that a shutdown was still possible if the experiment continued. This protocol of yours is trying to push it out to a single pulse a week, leading to my strong suspicion that it will not be effective.

The other significant problem is that estradiol generated by TRT causes negative feedback at the pituitary, acting "to decrease responsiveness to GnRH." If this effect is too strong then the pituitary won't make an LH pulse in response to your GnRH (gonadorelin) pulse. This would have to be overcome by reducing estradiol or by using a SERM.

Don't get me wrong: I really like gonadorelin. Using it has correlated with some really nice improvements, while making hCG unnecessary. It would be great to obtain these benefits with a less demanding protocol, but I don't see it happening with such infrequent doses.
Thanks Cat for the links and your feedback. Gonna give it a try after my current HcG is exhausted. I’ll try and post some feedback accordingly in the coming months.
I really like gonadorelin. Using it has correlated with some really nice improvements, while making hCG unnecessary.
Do I understand correctly, you have replaced HCG w/ gonadorelin? And this feels like an upgrade as compared to HCG? Would you mind divulging your dosage/frequency?
Do I understand correctly, you have replaced HCG w/ gonadorelin? And this feels like an upgrade as compared to HCG? Would you mind divulging your dosage/frequency?
Yes, using gonadorelin along with enclomiphene allowed me to stop using hCG. And yes, the results are better. These are supported objectively by normalized testicular volume and by LH and FSH entering normal lab ranges. Subjectively the experiment correlated with improvements in libido, cognition and sexual function. I've noted that it's the closest I've come to feeling the way I did prior to hypogonadism. I wrote about the trial in detail here. The protocol: 12.5 mg enclomiphene ED, 20 mcg gonadorelin six times daily (the last dose is actually only 5 mcg, as the full dose seems to interfere with sleep). This is on top of regular TRT, which is currently 3.7 mg T enanthate and 2.8 mg T propionate daily.

The protocol is probably not feasible for most guys. It's possible that it would be effective with fewer daily injections, but that's yet to be seen. The issue regarding this thread is that I doubt one injection of GnRH a week can do much of anything.
Gonadorelin is nothing like hCG. Gonadorelin half life is extremely short and you would have to inject several times per day instead of two to three times per week as is the case with hCG. If your clinic does not want to ship hCG to you since they have no relationship with Empower Pharmacy, demand to have their doctor call in a prescription to your local pharmacy for brand name hCG. Here are prices are places to buy it.
Gonadorelin is nothing like hCG. Gonadorelin half life is extremely short and you would have to inject several times per day instead of two to three times per week as is the case with hCG. If your clinic does not want to ship hCG to you since they have no relationship with Empower Pharmacy, demand to have their doctor call in a prescription to your local pharmacy for brand name hCG. Here are prices are places to buy it.
Hey Nelson. I had a consult with my new family doctor. Not a clinic doctor but he is somewhat more progressive when it comes to TRT and one of the few local Docs that won’t turn away when mention the word TRT. So that is good. Tho When I asked about a HcG script he seemed hesitant. I didn’t push at my consult but I might push back now. Not sure why he would push back on that. He was ready to write me a script for test cyp but since I am still with a clinic I said not needed at this time. But may just switch to him in the future and get brand name test cyp and have insurance pay for it. Just wanted to share. I also emailed the clinic mentioning to see if they can somehow switch back to HcG and if not have them write a script like you said. Well see how they respond. Also Nelson in the ads I saw this on this site. What is this about as I have not heard you mention this ?


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Also Nelson in the ads I saw this on this site. What is this about as I have not heard you mention this ? [/QUOTE said:
hCG or Trimix for men already on TRT whose doctors refuse to prescribe either product.
So do you advise going to two 50ml does a week or three? I was told two by my mens health care provider but they said three would be okay. I am a male, 57 on testosterone and have one testicle shrinking.
So do you advise going to two 50ml does a week or three? I was told two by my mens health care provider but they said three would be okay. I am a male, 57 on testosterone and have one testicle shrinking.
Are you talking about hCG or Gonadorelin? Also, doses are in IU or mg.
Beyond Testosterone Book by Nelson Vergel
So when i have a u100 syringe and i need to inject 100mcg with how many bacteriostatic water do i reconstitute the gonadorelin and how many tick marks is 100mcg
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