Hey Fellas,
I just recieved my new labs after upping my dosage from 100mg 1x/wk to 80mg 2x/wk (160mg).
My reason for my anxiety is apparent but I am confused by the two different TT readings that were given. One says 779 and the other out of range at 1121. Aside from that, my Free T and Bio T SKYROCKETED. DHT went up into healthy range. Thinking about lowering the dose but not sure to what. Going to speak to the Doc about this. I also just started on .25mg Anastrazole 2x/wk day after injection. E2 went from 32 to 105, almost 3.5x that is was and I didn't even double my dose.
I was feeling flush and panicky so I went to donate blood. They told me my HCT was 50 but its obviously fine here. Actually, according to the labs, It didn't even go up at all despite me significantly increasing my dose.
Looking for pointers and suggestions
Labs taken in the afternoon right before my injection.
I just recieved my new labs after upping my dosage from 100mg 1x/wk to 80mg 2x/wk (160mg).
My reason for my anxiety is apparent but I am confused by the two different TT readings that were given. One says 779 and the other out of range at 1121. Aside from that, my Free T and Bio T SKYROCKETED. DHT went up into healthy range. Thinking about lowering the dose but not sure to what. Going to speak to the Doc about this. I also just started on .25mg Anastrazole 2x/wk day after injection. E2 went from 32 to 105, almost 3.5x that is was and I didn't even double my dose.
I was feeling flush and panicky so I went to donate blood. They told me my HCT was 50 but its obviously fine here. Actually, according to the labs, It didn't even go up at all despite me significantly increasing my dose.
Looking for pointers and suggestions
Labs taken in the afternoon right before my injection.