New Member
I started TRT 28 days ago. My doctor had me at a crazy high dose and I went down to 150mg a week daily injections subq. Things have been 50/50 really motivated at work and at work outs. But as of the last few days i’ve been having a lot of heart palpitations and today my vision got a little blurry for a few minutes also in the afternoon my face gets red and hot. And this morning I really had to hold it together I thought I was going to pass out. I work at a place that has on site EMS so I had them check my blood pressure and my glucose and they were both perfect. I’m also having weird fatigue and feeling out of it. I don’t have my doctors appointment for a few more weeks. I have had labs done but waiting on those results. What are your thoughts? Im only 4 weeks in. I am 6’7 345lbs